How do I make a picture smaller so I can upload it?

How to reduce photo file size on a Windows PC

  1. Once you’ve located the image you wish to compress, open the photo in ‘Photos. ‘ Select the ‘…’ option on the top right-hand side of the Photo’s Window.
  2. Select ‘Resize’ to enable a pop-up menu. Select a size.
  3. Name your photo in the ‘File Name’ field.

How do I take less than 1 MB of a photo?

Lower the megapixel (MP) size of the photos you take in the Settings of Camera app > Picture quality > choose a medium or lowest quality possible. This will significantly reduce the picture size, check it is below 1MB.

How do I reduce the MB of a picture on my phone?

3 Best Apps to Reduce Photo File Size on Android Devices

  1. Photo Compress 2.0. Unlike various other apps that reduce the photo size by simply resizing the photo, Photo Compress 2.0 lets you compress a photo to reduce file size.
  2. Reduce Photo Size.
  3. Photo & Picture Resizer.
  4. 10 Best App Lockers for Android You Can Use.
  5. 3 Comments.

How do I resize a jpeg to 1mb?

How To Resize An Image

  1. Open the image in Paint.
  2. Select the entire image using the Select button in the Home tab and choose Select All.
  3. Open the Resize and Skew window by navigating to the Home tab and selecting the Resize button.
  4. Use the Resize fields to change the size of the image either by percentage or by pixels.

How do I make a file size smaller on my iPhone?

How to reduce an image file size on your iPhone and iPad

  1. Launch the Image Size App on your iPhone.
  2. Tap on the top left image icon and Allow Access to your photo library.
  3. Select the photo you wish to reduce the size of and tap on Choose.
  4. Now the app automatically reduces the photo file size.

How do I change the MB size of a photo?

Compress a picture

  1. Select the picture you want to compress.
  2. Click the Picture Tools Format tab, and then click Compress Pictures.
  3. Do one of the following: To compress your pictures for insertion into a document, under Resolution, click Print.
  4. Click OK, and name and save the compressed picture somewhere you can find it.

How do I reduce file size on iPhone?

Here’s how to compress a PDF on iPhone and iPad:

  1. Download and launch PDF Expert.
  2. Open the file you wish to compress.
  3. Tap … More at the top right.
  4. Select Reduce File Size.
  5. Choose the document quality and tap Reduce.
  6. PDF Expert has now compressed the current file.