How do I look up a CPS case in Ohio?

If you would like information regarding your children’s services history in the state of Ohio , please call 614-752-1298 or email [email protected] to get additional information and guidance.

Are CPS records public in Ohio?

Please note that information and/or records about an individual’s application for and/or receipt of services or benefits administered by ODJFS or the county agencies is confidential. Therefore, you will be required to verify your identity before any information or records are disclosed to you.

How do I find my child support Case number Ohio?

Please call 740-373-9324 to obtain your case number if you don’t already have this information. Download the FREE Ohio SMART e-pay Mobile App from the iTunes App Store, Google Play Store, or Microsoft Store.

Can I access my social services records?

The only people who have regular access to your records are those involved in providing your care services. Everyone involved in your service has a legal duty to keep information about you confidential and secure. When other agencies are involved, they too will have access to your records.

How much back child support is a felony in Ohio?

Ohio law provides criminal penalties for parents who fail to pay support for more than 26 out of 104 weeks, or who owe “arrearages” (overdue child support payments) in excess of $5,000. Special prosecutors handle these matters, and extensive non-payment of support is considered a felony.

How long do social services keep records for?

Records should be kept for 6 years after the last contact with the service user unless any of the exemptions apply (listed above) or if your organisation is required to comply with any other statutory requirements.

Can social services withhold information?

Children’s Services Records You also have the right to see information about their social work policies, procedures and other written records. There are some instances when Children’s Service can refuse the access to information when: “serious harm to the mental or physical health….