How do I log into my missionary portal?
How do I log into my missionary portal?
How Do I Login to the Missionary Portal? Go to any computer lab in any classroom building and click on the shortcut Missionary Portal. Login using your Missionary ID (username) and birthdate (password).
How do I access my missionary papers?
Re: Missionary Portal Access The URL is (this is also found in your paper call packet, and on under “Share the Gospel”). You will use the same username and password you use to sign into If you still can’t get in, your ward clerk can help you contact the Global Service Center.
How do I access my missionary email?
Re: logging in to my lds mail account Following the maintenance, you will access both your area email account ( and your personal email account ( by navigating to and logging in with your LDS Account username and password.
When can I open my mission portal?
Whether you decide to go earlier or later, you may submit your papers up to 120 days before you wish to begin your mission service. Regardless of when you go, you should be ready to meet the spiritual and physical demands. Remember that the important thing is not how old you are, but how prepared you are.
Is the lds missionary website down?
Check all outages. is UP and reachable by us.
How do I know if my mission call has been assigned?
Your bishop and stake president will be able to let you know that your mission application has been submitted to Church headquarters. After that, you will know the status of your mission call when it arrives in the mail. The stake president has very little additional insight into the call.
How do I access my lds plan?
The My Plan for Returned Missionaries manual can also be found on the Gospel Library app within the Young Adults folder or as a PDF at
How do I access LDS mission calls?
Re: Missionary Portal Access Your bishop and stake president will be able to let you know that your mission application has been submitted to Church headquarters. After that, you will know the status of your mission call when it arrives in the mail.
What is the age limit for LDS missionaries?
All rights reserved. Missionaries can be single men between the ages of 18 and 25, single women over the age of 19 or retired couples. Missionaries work with a companion of the same gender during their mission, with the exception of couples, who work with their spouse.
Can missionaries wear sweaters?
In cold weather you may wear sweaters, coats, gloves, scarves, and hats as needed. These items should be simple and conservative, without words, pictures, or logos (however, small, non-distracting logos are acceptable).