How do I know if my AOL account is IMAP or POP?

What to Know

  1. There are specific steps to take to access your AOL email in macOS Mail, Thunderbird, Outlook, and Windows Mail.
  2. IMAP settings to access AOL Mail: The server is and the IMAP port is 993.
  3. POP3 settings to access AOL Mail: The server is and the POP port is 995.

Is AOL a POP email?

When you want to connect with your AOL Mail account via POP from another email program, provide the following requested information: AOL Mail POP3 server address:

What is the IMAP server for AOL?
Setup Your Account with Your Email Program Using IMAP (AOL Mail) IMAP Server
IMAP port 993
IMAP security SSL
IMAP username Your full email address
IMAP password Your password

What are AOL Mail server settings?

Aol Mail SMTP Settings

  1. Server Address:
  2. Username: Your AOL Mail screen name (e.g. whatever comes before
  3. Password: Your AOL Mail password.
  4. Port Number: 587 (With TLS)
  5. Alternative Port Number: 465 (With SSL)
  6. Authentication: Required.
  7. Sending Limits: 500 Emails a day or 100 connections a day.

What is AOL SMTP server name?
AOL SMTP server name:

What POP server is AOL?
Use POP or IMAP to sync AOL Mail on a third-party app or download your email

Protocol Server Settings
POP 3 Incoming mail server (POP3): Outgoing mail server (SMTP):
IMAP Incoming mail server (IMAP): Outgoing mail server (SMTP):

Does AOL allow POP access?

All you need to do is add your AOL account to the email application and enter the SMTP and POP/IMAP parameters in your account settings to set up your incoming and outgoing mail server.

What is AOL server name?

AOL SMTP server name: AOL SMTP username: your AOL address. AOL SMTP password: your account password.

What is the POP server for AOL?

Do I use IMAP or POP on my Iphone?

iCloud Mail uses the IMAP and SMTP standards supported by most modern email apps. iCloud does not support POP. If you set up an account using iCloud System Preferences or macOS Mail in 10.7. 4 or later, you won’t see these settings because they’re automatically configured.