How do I join an Arma 3 server with IP?

How to Connect to Your Arma Virtual Private Server

  1. Launch your Arma 3.
  2. Select “Servers” in Arma 3.
  3. Click on “Direct Connect” at the bottom.
  4. Enter the IP and port, and press connect.

How do I find my Arma 3 player ID?

Finding Your ArmA III Player ID

  • Once Arma 3 launches to the menu screen click the person icon on the right top.
  • Select your profile.
  • Go to the UNIT tab.
  • Click on EDIT.
  • Select CUSTOM in the drop down menu.
  • You will now see your player ID (red box)

Can Arma 3 Be Steam shared?

We don’t plan to enable Steam family sharing for Arma 3.

How do I find my Arma 3 server?


  1. Get teamspeak installed (free voice comms app, you will need it if you intend playing arma a lot)
  2. Look through the server browser and get used to the filters in there.
  3. Filter by “Mission” (This will give you an idea of the different type of missions the various servers are running)

Why can’t my friend join my Arma 3 server?

Check your firewall, I would advise for the time you are hosting a server turning your Anti Virus off completely. If nothing works, get your friend to port forward and see if they can host instead. If they can’t get it to work, call your internet provider and ask them for step by step process to prot forward.

How do I join my friends Arma 3 server?

Launch the Arma 3 game on Steam. Select Servers from the launcher. Select Direct Connect at the bottom of the servers list. Enter your server IP/hostname, and password.

What is your Steam ID?

Click your name at the top right of the screen and select view profile. The page it jumps to has a long string of numbers in that URL. That is your Steam ID.

Can you library share Arma 3?

Certain games are excluded from Steam family sharing. Arma 3 is one of them. Unfortunately, this means if you want to play Arma 3 you will either have to buy it, or play it while logged into your friend’s account.

How do I join my friend in Arma 3?

How do I host my friends Arma 3 server?

In ArmA:

  1. Select Multiplayer >> Server Browser.
  2. Go to Host Server tab.
  3. Set Name to whatever you want.
  4. Set Host to Internet.
  5. Set Password to stop random player connects.
  6. Check UPNP box.
  7. Push HOST SERVER button. On the Create Game tab.
  8. Select Map to play on and Mission should show in list.

How do I join my friend in Arma on steam?

  1. open up arma.
  2. go to multiplayer.
  3. click New, in the bottom corner.
  4. name your server, set a password.
  5. select a mission.
  6. play it.
  7. get friends to join.