How do I install Office Primary interop assemblies?
How do I install Office Primary interop assemblies?
- Ensure that the . NET Framework 1.1 or a later version is installed if you are installing the PIAs for the Microsoft Office 2007 system, or the .
- Go to the Microsoft download website.
- Follow the instructions in the download page to install the primary interop assemblies.
Do we need to register interop DLL?
Although it is not necessary to register primary interop assemblies unless you plan to use Visual Studio, registration provides two advantages: A registered primary interop assembly is clearly marked under the registry key of the original type library.
What is interop DLL?
The interop DLL wraps the calls to the VB6 component and makes them transparent. When registering the DLLs on the machine you’ll be executing the application on, you still have to register the VB6 DLL. The interop DLL will sit your app’s bin folder and Marshal the calls out.
How do I use Microsoft Office Interop?
To add references
- In Solution Explorer, right-click your project’s name and then click Add Reference. The Add Reference dialog box appears.
- On the Assemblies page, select Microsoft. Office. Interop. Word in the Component Name list, and then hold down the CTRL key and select Microsoft. Office. Interop. Excel.
- Click OK.
What is Microsoft Interop?
Microsoft Office Interop (Excel Automation) is an option when creating/reading Excel files (XLS, XLSX, CSV) from C# or VB.NET application, but it has many drawbacks.
Does Interop Excel require Excel to be installed?
Yes, you are right. You need Excel to be installed to use the Excel Manipulation feature with Microsoft. Office. Interop.
Is Interop free?
Requirements for registration-free COM interop Support for registration-free COM interop varies slightly depending on the type of library assembly; specifically, whether the assembly is unmanaged (COM side-by-side) or managed (. NET-based).
How do I register a DLL for Interop?
Registering a COM Interop dll in . NET
- Create a class library project.
- Add a reference to Runtime.InteropServices in the class.
- Add Comvisible attribute to the class.
- Open Visual Studio 2008 command prompt and navigate to Obj\Debug folder of the project and type.
- On the project properties build tab.
What are interop services?
COM Interop is a technology included in the . NET Framework Common Language Runtime (CLR) that enables Component Object Model (COM) objects to interact with . NET objects, and vice versa. COM Interop aims to provide access to the existing COM components without requiring that the original component be modified.