How do I increase my Tamagotchi training?

You need to go to the Pac-Man symbol and then click on Praise. Your Tamagotchi will instantly cheer up, and all three of these methods will increase the training meter by a few bars. The training bar will never go down over time.

What happens if you discipline your Tamagotchi too much?

The amount of training the Tamagotchi gets through its life often has a direct impact on what adult stage it becomes. On certain modern releases, while the amount of discipline itself has no impact on evolution, missing a training call counts as a care mistake and will influence evolution as such.

Why is there a skull next to my Tamagotchi?

MEDICINE: if a “skull” image appears, Tamagotchi character is sick and needs medicine. Press A button until the medicine icon is highlighted, then press B. Sometimes 2 or 3 doses are needed before Tamagotchi character is well.

What weight should my Tamagotchi be?

Your Tamagotchi shouldn’t go above 80 ounces since 89 ounces is when it’s close to a Debutchi. In other variations of Tamagotchi games, many characters range between 5 to 20 pounds.

How often should you check your Tamagotchi?

Just check in every hour or so to see if your virtual pet’s hungry, needs to use the bathroom, or feels sick. If all is well, you can play with it for a little bit. If it’s urgent, your Tamagotchi toy or app will notify you when your Tama needs your attention.

How much attention does a Tamagotchi need?

That First Hour Moral of the story: Don’t hatch a Tamagotchi unless you can afford to give it your complete and undivided attention for at least the next 60 minutes.

Why is there a black ghost on my Tamagotchi?

Sulking (known as Downheartedness in Japanese releases) is a negative status condition which is featured on every color Tamagotchi starting with the Tamagotchi iD. It also appears on the Tamagotchi Nano and its variants. It happens when an adult gains a Care Mistake and replaces the skull.

Can Tamagotchi Gen 1 have babies?

If the Tamagotchi cannot find a partner from another device to have babies with, a matchmaker will come, allowing the Tamagotchi to have a baby with a computer-controlled Tamagotchi character. This applies to versions 1 to 4 and 6 only.