How do I host a 7 Days to Die server in Linux?

General Guidelines

  1. To run a server using the Linux native version of 7 Days to Die, use SteamCMD to install and maintain the application.
  2. If installed on a 64-bit version of Linux, the script should be modified to ensure the x86_64 version of 7 Days to Die is being launched.
  3. Running A10.

How do I run a 7 Days to Die server on Ubuntu?

7 Days to Die

  1. Übersicht.
  2. Foreword.
  3. Step 1: Log in to your server with SSH.
  4. Step 2: Choose account for 7days dedicated server.
  5. Step 3: Install SteamCMD.
  6. Step 4: Download dedicated server with SteamCMD.
  7. Step 5: Location of startup script
  8. Step 6: Edit serverconfig.xml file.

How do I host a server in 7 Days to Die?

follow these instructions:

  1. Go to this Site.
  2. Select your router brand.
  3. Select your router version (if your version is not there, pick the one closest to your version.)
  4. Select 7 Days to Die (Except that you port forward 26900 to 26903 instead of 25000-25003)
  5. Follow the instructions on the site.

Where is SteamCMD located? is located at /home/steam/steamcmd .

Can 7 days to die run on Linux?

7 Days to die works pretty well on Linux as it is a native application, but you can only play this game with Steam.

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How do I run SteamCMD on Linux?


  1. Before you begin, you must first install the dependencies required to run SteamCMD:
  2. As the root user, escalate to the steam user: su – steam.
  3. Create a directory for SteamCMD and switch to it.
  4. Download and extract SteamCMD for Linux.
  5. Install tmux and/or screen for easy server management.

How do I access SteamCMD?

In order to run the SteamCMD software, simply browse to the SteamCMD folder and click on steamcmd.exe. Alternatively, you can open the command prompt, navigate to the installation directory, and type steamcmd to run the program.