How do I get to the well of souls in Darksiders 2?

The mission should start at the same place where the last one has ended, which is in the [Tree of Death] (Shadow’s Edge). Head for the unlit tunnel shown on the above screen, which has been unlocked during the last cutscene. Follow the only available path to enter the [Well of Souls].

How do you beat soul arbiter?

If you ever notice the Soul Arbiter being to float run/evade away very quickly, as this attack will have him slam into the ground for a serious area attack. Slowly dwindle his health and at the 3/4th and halfway marks, he will hide behind a barrier. While behind the barrier, he will summon new enemies for you to kill.

Can you leave Soul Arbiter’s Maze?

The Soul Arbiter’s Maze is a dungeon in the Kingdom of the Dead. It consists of 10 waves of enemies similar to The Crucible. After each wave Death has to follow different directions, otherwise the player will never find the portal to the next stage or exit the maze.

What is the max level in Darksiders 2?

Level 30 is the max level for your character to get. You will need to play on a New Game+ in order to gain this level. By the time you beat the game once and have done all quests, you will be around level 22. Continue on in the new game in order to reach 30.

What does Demonheart talisman do?

Demonheart – replaces all the usual (white) weapon drops with possessed weapon drops. “The Keen talisman sharpens blades beyond a razor’s edge, enhancing the lethality of any scythes wielded by its owner.”

What’s the max level in Darksiders 2?

What is the best scythe in Darksiders 2?

Chaos Fang are the best scythes in DS2.

What does the abyssal armor do in Darksiders?

In Darksiders, it drastically increases War’s defensive abilities, making enemies deal less damage and gives life upon all attacks, like a stronger version of Bloodthirst. The Abyssal Armour is broken into ten pieces which have been scattered all around the game world, from Scalding Gallow to Eden.