How do I get to the Twilight Cathedral in Darksiders?

By the door at the east end of the hall is a statue with empty hands. Approach it and you’ll be given a prompt to place the sword you found. This will open the door allowing you to continue. After the cutscene, cross the fiery pit and head south — this is the only door you can access at the moment.

How do you get out of Twilight Cathedral?

Kill the Duskwings and then head through the door on the right. Place the sword into the statue to the right of the door to unlock it (left). Continue across the lava pit (right) and exit through the right hand door.

How do you beat the bat queen in Darksiders?

Ram Charge – Sometimes Tiamat will ram at War, but by continually pressing each console’s respective reaction button War can push her back, then jump and punch the Bat Queen across the tower, briefly stunning her and leaving her open to feel the sting of the Chaoseater.

How many levels are in Darksiders?

Darksiders Genesis has 16 levels. 5 of them focus only on boss fights. After completing a level, you can return to it to discover more secrets, collect resources, and fight enemies to earn experience points.

How do you beat Tiamat stranger of paradise?

Tiamat Phase 1 Guide

  1. Use evade to dodge the tornadoes.
  2. Dodge the leap attacks.
  3. Dodge the swirl attack.
  4. Sever Tiamat’s necks through consistent focused attacks and use abilities and Lightbringer to lower her max break gauge.
  5. Keep some distance and using blizzard (if possible) to deal damage without getting too close.

How do you fight Tiamat?

The only way to beat Tiamat now is to reduce its break gauge to zero. Now’s the time to have your party members hammer away with Resonance whenever they have it. Still focus on using your Blizzard attacks, as they’ll do huge damage to the break gauge.