How do I get the option C printout in Canada?

You can order a copy of the Proof of Income Statement (option “C” print) to be mailed to you by calling the automated Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) line at 1-800-267-6999. It can take up to 10 days to receive the Proof of Income Statement by mail.

What is the meaning of Option C printout?

The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) can provide you with a proof of income statement (or an “option ‘C’ print”), which is a simple generic version of your tax assessment. This document summarizes your income and deductions for a specific tax year.

Is proof of income the same as notice of assessment?

A Proof of income statement is a simple version of your tax assessment. It is another way you can get most of the same information that is on your notice of assessment.

Can you print your T1 General online?

How Do I Get a T1 Online? There are various places to get a copy of the CRA T1 form. The easiest way to get your T1 is online. If you have a CRA My Account, you can find your T1 for the current year, as well as the past 11 years that you filed, by looking under the “tax returns view” section.

How do I get Option C online?

To get a proof of income statement, you can:

  1. Log into My Account and click on “Proof of income statement (option C print)” to view and print your proof of income statement. Right at your fingertips!
  2. Use the MyCRA mobile app to send a request to the CRA to mail you a printed copy of your proof of income statement.

How does the CRA know your income?

Audits are an important way for the CRA to detect unreported income. The CRA thoroughly examines an individual’s or business’ assets and expenditures, as well as information on a person’s lifestyle, to identify those who are hiding income. In 2015, the CRA also expanded its underground economy specialist teams.

Can I get proof of income from my bank?

You Could Print Bank Statements It is also quite easy to prove your income by submitting bank statements. Your bank statements will show the money coming in each month as well as the money spent. These statements will also show how much money you normally have just sitting in your account.

Where can I get a T1 General form?

You can obtain a T1 general directly from CRA My Account online. However, the most popular way is to file your taxes using tax software programs like TurboTax or Wealthsimple Tax.

How do I download my CCB statement?

Is SimpleTax owned by Wealthsimple?

Wealthsimple acquires tax software company Simpletax 25 September 2019 181. Wealthsimple, Canada’s leading online investment service, announced that it has acquired SimpleTax, a Canadian web-based tax preparation service that makes preparing and filing tax returns quick and easy.