How do I get stationery in Outlook?

From the main Outlook window, on the Actions menu, point to New Mail Message Using, and then click More Stationery. Under Choose a theme, click the theme or stationery that you want, and then click OK. Compose and send your message.

Does Outlook have stationary like Lotus Notes?

Email Stationery Like Notes, Outlook makes alternative stationery available when creating a new email. Follow the steps below to access the stationery options: On the Home tab of the Outlook menu ribbon, select the following sequence of options: New Items >> E-mail Message Using >> More Stationery.

How do I get stationary email?

Here are five websites that offer email stationery for free.

  1. Stationery from Yahoo Mail. Online invitations platform Paperless Post has teamed up with Yahoo to offer over 50 free email stationery templates.
  2. Email Backgrounds.
  3. Gmail Email Templates.
  4. EStationery.
  5. Cloudeight Stationery.

Is Outlook Free for personal use? is a free email service for your personal email. Anyone can go to and sign up for a free email account. Previously known as and, you can use if your email address ends in,,, or

How do I use custom stationery in Outlook?

To start with, in Outlook main window, click “New Items” > “E-mail Message Using” > “More Stationery”. Then in the new dialog box of “Theme or Stationery”, you can easily locate and select the custom stationery in the left theme list. Lastly click “OK”.

How do I make Outlook Pretty?

How to change your inbox theme in Outlook on Windows

  1. Open your Outlook desktop app.
  2. Click “File.”
  3. Select “Options” from the left blue column.
  4. Under the “Personalize your copy of Microsoft Office” section, click the “Office Theme” dropdown menu.
  5. Choose one of the four options from the dropdown.
  6. Click “OK.”

How do I create stationery in Outlook Web?

Creating a Template

  1. Click the New Email button to create a new message.
  2. Type the information for the template (e.g., all the standard information).
  3. Click File and choose Save as. Specify the template File name and Save as file type Outlook Template (. oft).
  4. Close the message and do not save it when prompted.

How do I import a stationery template into Outlook?

Go to the folder where you saved your stationery template, then select and copy both the template file (my_template. html) and the image files that are linked to it (on our case, logo. gif). Go to Documents and Settings\User\Application Data\Microsoft\Stationery and paste the files you selected & copied.

How do I save an Outlook email as a stationary?

In the message window, click the File tab. Click Save As. The Stationery folder opens. In the File name box, enter a name for your new stationery.

How do I create email templates in Outlook?

Create an email message template

  1. On the Home menu, click New E-mail.
  2. In the message body, enter the content that you want.
  3. In the message window, click File > Save As.
  4. In the Save As dialog box, in the Save as type list, click Outlook Template.
  5. In the File name box, type a name for your template, and then click Save.

How do I get Outlook for free?

How to Get a Web-Based Version of Microsoft Outlook 100% Free

  1. Go to the Office website.
  2. Click SIGN IN.
  3. Sign in or create a free Microsoft account.
  4. Create your password and click NEXT.
  5. You’ll be emailed a verification code – enter it here and click NEXT.
  6. Answer the Captcha to prove you’re not a robot and click NEXT.

Can I just buy Outlook?

Yes, you can buy standalone Outlook 2016 from MS. Note, it will NOT fully integrate with Home and Student as well as it would if it was part of the 2016 Home and Business or 365 Personal/Home Office bundles. Here is a link to it on the MS Store site:…