How do I get rid of pigmentation under my eyes?

Chemical peels A dermatologist might suggest a light chemical peel to lighten dark pigmentation under the eyes. Commonly these will include glycolic acid, retinoic acid or hydroquinone. Your dermatologist might also suggest a Jessner peel, which includes a combination of salicylic acid, lactic acid, and resorcinol.

How can I get rid of pigmentation under my eyes naturally?

People may not be able to remove dark eye circles altogether, but several techniques and remedies can help minimize their appearance.

  1. Getting adequate sleep.
  2. Elevating the head during sleep.
  3. Applying cold compresses.
  4. Minimizing sun exposure.
  5. Cucumber slices and tea bags.
  6. Vitamin C.
  7. Retinoid creams.

Can pigmentation in eye be removed?

Eye freckle removal surgery Yes, you can. At AEI, we remove Conjunctival Nevi for 2 common reasons: a suspicious appearance, or if they appear cosmetically undesirable to the patient. If melanoma is suspected, your eye doctor will recommend an excisional biopsy, in other words removing the pigmented lesion surgically.

What causes dark pigmentation under eyes?

Dark circles under the eyes are usually caused by being tired. Sometimes, what appear to be dark circles under your eyes may merely be shadows cast by puffy eyelids or hollows under your eyes that develop as a normal part of aging. Dark circles under the eyes usually aren’t a medical problem.

What iS the fastest way to get rid of hyperpigmentation?

In this case, turning to dermatological procedures will work as the fastest way to get rid of hyperpigmentation. Chemical peels, laser therapy, microdermabrasion, or dermabrasion are all options that work similarly to rid skin of hyperpigmentation.

How can I get rid of dark circles in 2 days permanently?

We list down some easy and doable home remedies to make your ‘how to get rid of dark circles in 2 days ‘ easy.

  1. Tomatoes.
  2. Grated potatoes.
  3. Cold tea bags.
  4. Almond Oil.
  5. Cold milk.
  6. Orange juice.
  7. Yoga/meditation.
  8. Cucumber.

Can coconut oil reduce dark circles?

As a powerful natural and gentle anti-inflammatory, coconut oil is an effective method for lightening dark under eye circles. It also moisturizes while it lightens to help prevent wrinkles and fine lines under the eyes.

Does vitamin E reduce dark circles?

According to Rashidi, using vitamin E oil and almond oil together on the under-eye area can help to lighten dark circles and reduce under-eye puffiness, due to the combination of anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that these two oils contain.