How do I get rid of greyed out songs in iTunes?

Reader Tips

  1. Go into the Summary menu (this is the main screen for the iPhone in iTunes)
  2. Check the Manage Music Manually button.
  3. Click Apply.
  4. After it syncs, go to the On My Device area and click Music.
  5. Right-click on grayed out music and delete the tracks.

How do I get rid of GREY stars in iTunes?

To remove the album ratings (the grey stars) in Music/itunes:

  1. right click the track and select “Show album in library”
  2. next to the play button, you’ll see the album rating.
  3. click and drag left on the stars to set it to zero stars.
  4. it will immediately reset to the automatic rating, but don’t worry.

Why are things greyed out in iTunes?

If an explicit song is grayed out, you might have restrictions turned on for your device. You can use Screen Time on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch, or Screen Time on your Mac to turn off restrictions. You can also add the clean version from Apple Music to your library.

How do you check all songs in iTunes?

All replies On Windows, hold CTRL and check any empty box. On Mac I think it is OPT-click (but if that doesn’t work try CMD-click). That will check all boxes in the given view. If you want to do your whole library, make sure you are in Music library, not a playlist, and that the search oval is empty.

What do the GREY stars mean in iTunes?

Grey star album ratings are based on the mean average rating of the manually rated tracks of an album. Grey star track ratings are based on a manual album rating. A manual rating of zero enables auto rating to occur.

What do the GREY stars mean on Apple Music?

Answer: A: Answer: A: The star just means they are ‘popular’ tracks.

How do I enable Sync only checked songs and videos?

For others who may view this thread, how did you solve it? To solve this I went to iTunes -> Edit -> Preferences. In the general tab I checked the box that says “list view checkboxes”. This then allowed me to check the box “Sync only checked songs and videos”.