How do I get my Kenwood radio out of Protect Mode?

If the protection mode warning doesn’t go away on its own, press the reset button. If that doesn’t work, disconnect the power lead from your receiver for 30 seconds and then reconnect it. If it still doesn’t work, it’s time to take it to the dealer.

Why does my Kenwood radio keep saying protect?

Kenwood equips its receivers with a protection mode to safeguard them. Your stereo receiver is going into protection mode because the receiver has an internal short, a speaker is bad or the speaker wiring has a problem, such as incorrect wire gauge or bad connections.

What does it mean when your stereo Says protect?

If the impedance of any of the speakers is below the rated impedance range indicated on the rear of the home audio device next to the speaker connections, the home audio device may enter the PROTECT mode. Raising the volume with a low impedance speaker will trigger the protection circuit.

Where is the reset button on a Kenwood car stereo?

Soft Reset The reset button is a small triangle button that is usually lit up too; hence, it is easy to identify. You can find it at the top left corner of your stereo. Hold on to the reset button for five seconds for a soft reset.

How do I reset my Kenwood radio code?

During the code request mode, while pressing the DISP key, press and hold the Volume UP or DOWN key for 3 seconds until the “…” display disappears. Enter the security code with the Kenwood remote.

How do I unlock my Kenwood radio?

Press and hold side button number 2; still holding this side key down, power on the radio. When the indicator light at the top comes on with an orange color, release the button. You should hear two beeps when you release the button. Power the radio off and then back on again; your device is now unlocked.

How do I reset a Kenwood Security Code?

Why does my amp keep going into protect?

Some amps go into protect mode if they get too hot, which can prevent a permanent failure. The common cause of overheating is a lack of airflow. If the amp is located underneath the seats, or in another confined space, that may cause it to overheat.

How do I reset my Kenwood?

Hold down the eject CD and volume buttons simultaneously. While holding the eject CD and volume buttons, locate the reset button, which should be at the top left corner of the stereo. Hold this button down for 10 seconds. Once the stereo starts to boot back up, release the buttons.

How do I unlock my Kenwood security code?