How do I get more fiber optics in Fallout 4?


  1. 49 can be obtained in the Jamaica Plain Town Hall basement by disarming a large amount of laser tripwires.
  2. Teagan sells shipments of 25 fiber optics.
  3. After a peaceful conclusion to the Restoring Order quest from the Automatron add-on, Isabel Cruz sells shipments of 25 fiber optics.

Where can I buy fiber optic shipments?


  • Prydwen: Proctor Teagan.
  • Vault 81 vendors.
  • Mechanist’s Lair: Isabel Cruz.

What items have fiber optics in Fallout 4?

Fiber Optics

Item Scrap WT
Flight Data Recorder x2 Fiber Optics, x1 Circuitry, x1 Copper 3
High-Powered Microscope x1 Fiber Optics, x2 Crystal, x2 Gear, x2 Glass 5
Microscope x1 Fiber Optics, x2 Crystal, x2 Glass, x2 Gear 5
Prototype Biometric Scanner x1 Fiber Optics, x1 Asbestos, x2 Nuclear Material 3

Who sells fiberglass Fallout 4?

Sold by Deb in Bunker Hill in shipments of 25.

Where is Teagan Fallout 4?

The Prydwen

Biography and appearance
Role Quartermaster and Engineer
Rank Proctor
Location The Prydwen
Dialogue File Teagan’s dialogue

Where is Alexis Combes in Vault 81?

the depot
Alexis is a vendor found in Vault 81. She’s located in the depot, where she works with her husband, Holt. It will be the first room on the right upon exiting the elevator.

What can you craft with gold in Fallout 4?


Item Scrap VAL
Glided Grasshopper x5 Gold, x2 Glass, x10 Copper 451
Gold x1 Gold 9
Gold Bar x10 Gold 450
Gold Plated Flip Lighter x1 Gold, x1 Oil, x1 Steel 26

Where can I find springs in Fallout 4?


  • Brother Ogden at the Crater of Atom.
  • Myrna and Percy at Diamond City Surplus.
  • Sister Mai at the Nucleus.

Does the Swan Respawn Fallout 4?

Pretty much everything respawns, except named / boss enemies (e.g. Swan, raider bosses are replaced with higher variant raider), fusion cores in generators, unique weapons, that kind of stuff.

Can you make fiberglass Fallout 4?

Fiberglass is an item that can be obtained or created by scrapping a specific item. This item is an essential part of Crafting, as well as an important element to maintaining a settlement!

What triggers the Prydwen?

The Prydwen is triggered by interacting with that specific terminal and opening that door via the terminal. Step 5) Interact with the terminal, open the door.