How do I get into the Goldenrod radio tower?
How do I get into the Goldenrod radio tower?
Upon finding the real station manager in the second basement of the Goldenrod Department Store, he will give the player a Card Key to open the door on the third floor that separates the upper floors of the tower in two.
How do you get pokerus in soul silver?
You can get pokerus by battling a wild pokemon that has the infection. The virus is about as rare as a Shiny Pokemon. Once you catch it, you’ll see the letters PKRS in the menu section of the stats screen. The next time you go to a pokemon center Nurse Joy will tell you that your pokemon has caught Pokerus, too.
Can you EV train in SoulSilver?
Unfortunately, Pokémon HeartGold & SoulSilver removed the Vs. Seeker that had been around in FireRed & LeafGreen as well as the trio of Sinnoh games, meaning fighting against wild Pokémon is the primary method of EV Training in these two games.
How do you check EV and IV in soul silver?
You need to go to the battle Tower in the battle frontier and talk to the scientist next to the PC. He will tell you about your pokemons IV. He will give you and over all rating, you want it to be Relatively Superior or Outstanding.
How do I trigger Team Rocket in Goldenrod?
After you’ve defeated seven Gym Leaders, Team Rocket will take over the Radio Tower in Goldenrod City. You’ll have to go back to the Radio Tower and the Underground to finish off Team Rocket. There are lots of Team Rocket members in the Tower.
How do you get the items in the basement of the Goldenrod department store?
The basement is only accessible from the Department Store via the elevator. A team of workers and a Machoke are moving boxes around. The player gets told off by the worker for going down and distracting them. This is one of the endpoints of the Goldenrod Tunnel.
Is Pokerus rarer than a shiny?
Pokérus is a super rare virus that your Pokémon can contract in Sword and Shield. In fact, your Pokémon have a 1/21,845 chance of generating the virus. That makes it rarer to catch the virus than it is to catch or hatch a regular shiny Pokémon.
Is Pokerus a good thing?
Pokerus is a very useful and VERY rare virus in the Pokemon world. It’s rare to get it in the wild, but it’s easy to come by now that online trading is so easily accessible. This virus will allow Pokemon to gain Effort Values twice as fast as usual.
How are EVs gained?
Your Pokémon can gain EVs by either eating vitamins or defeating specific Pokémon. You can post these values by either holding special items or becoming infected with Pokérus. By combining these ways to EV train, you can boost your Pokémon’s stats beyond their usual capabilities.
How do EVs work in Pokémon Soul Silver?
Effort Values in Detail For Effort Values to boost up your stats, you must gain EVs for that particular stat. Each stats needs four EVs to boost it by one level. Say your Attack is 30 and you want it to gain three more points when you level up. Basically, you’ll need 12 EVs from a pokemon that gives Attack EVs.