How do I get from Sabarimala to erumeli?

Erumeli to Sabarimala distance, location, road map and direction

  1. Driving Distance : 45 KM and 981 meters / 28.6 miles.
  2. Straight Line Distance : 25 KM and 200 meters / 15.7 miles.
  3. Travel time : 0 hours and 45 minutes.
  4. Direction and bearing : East side, 105 degree.

How long will it take to climb Sabarimala?

2 to 3 hours.

How long will it take to reach Sabarimala from Pamba?

Pamba To Sabarimala travel time Pamba is located around 29 KM away from Sabarimala so if you travel at the consistent speed of 50 KM per hour you can reach Sabarimala in 0.59 hours.

How many kilometers Pamba to Sannidhanam?

Origin Pamba River, Kerala, India
Destination Sannidhanam, Sabarimala, Kerala, India
Driving Distance 127 kms or 78.9 miles or 68.6 nautical miles
Driving Time 2 hours, 32 minutes

Why there are 18 steps in Sabarimala?

The 18 steps have considerable religious significance. Devotees believe that ascending these steps helps detach them from worldly desires, mentally and physically. The first five steps are called panchedriyas: They symbolise the five human senses of sight, sound, smell, taste and touch.

Can we go to Sabarimala without Irumudi?

You can go to Sabarimalai without even wearing the Mala or having irumudi kettu. You won’t be able to climb the holy 18 steps without both of these. In virtual queue there are no such restrictions. If you have booked your token, you’ll be allowed to go in virtual queue.

Are there tigers in Sabarimala?

The Sabarimala temple is situated deep inside the Periyar Tiger Reserve which is considered as a core forest area which is inhabited by animals like tigers, lions, black panthers and elephants.

Can husband go to Sabarimala when wife is pregnant?

No. Annadanam and tharpanam are different, though they go hand in hand both needs to be done especially in times like aadi amavasya and thai amavasya. Whatever the father and mother does, it goes to the child. Doesn’t reach the husband.

Can we get Irumudi at Pamba?

4 answers. Yes, a lot of devotees get their Irumudi at Pamba…

Can we visit Sabarimala without Irumudi?

You can go to Sabarimalai without even wearing the Mala or having irumudi kettu. You won’t be able to climb the holy 18 steps without both of these. In virtual queue there are no such restrictions.