How do I get data from Instagram API?

How to Connect to the Instagram API

  1. Step 1: Create a Instagram Developer Account. Go to Instagram developer page. Click on Register Your Application.
  2. Step 2: Generate an Access Token. Now, we’ll need to generate an access_token .
  3. Step 3: Call the Instagram API with RapidAPI. Now, we’ll call the API!

Can I use Instagram API for free?

You can use the API to get a wide range of data, including a user’s profile URL, a user’s photos, and other information. Price: The API is provided for free.

How do I get media on Instagram?

Perform the following steps to get a collection of Media on an Instagram User.

  1. Step 1: Get An Access token and Permissions. Follow our Get Access Tokens and Permissions guide to get the user’s Instagram User Access Token.
  2. Step 2: Query the User Media Edge. Send a request to the following endpoint: GET /me/media?

Is there an API for Instagram?

The Instagram Basic Display API allows users of your app to get basic profile information, photos, and videos in their Instagram accounts. The API can be used to access any type of Instagram account but only provides read-access to basic data.

Can we scrape data from Instagram?

While Instagram forbids any kind of crawling, scraping, or caching content from Instagram it is not regulated by law. Meaning, if you scrape data from Instagram you may get your account banned, but there are no legal repercussions.

How do I get data from Instagram API for Python?

A Five-Step Process

  1. Make sure you have python installed on your server.
  2. Get an API Key.
  3. Subscribe to the Instagram API.
  4. Create an output template in Python.
  5. Use it in different contexts.

What is Instagram private API?

The private API client allows you to like, follow, upload, basically everything you can do in the native Instagram app.

How do I get an Instagram API key?

  1. Step 1 — Register Application. Visit and register a new app.
  2. Step 2 — Register New App Client.
  3. Step 3 — Copy or Save Client ID.
  4. Step 4—Configure Client for Public Access.
  5. Step 5—Spin up a ‘localhost’ to access API url.
  6. Step 6—Use this API URL in abrowser.
  7. Step 7—Authorize it.
  8. Step 8—Ta-da!

How do I get Instagram API for Python?

What is media Instagram?

Represents an Instagram album, photo, story, or video (uploaded video, live video, or video created with the Instagram TV app).

How do you scrape data on Instagram using Python?

After installation just create a python file and put these codes and run it 🙂 with this code you can;

  1. Get users Profile Picture.
  2. Download Users’ post data like pictures, media, or bio between from time to time.
  3. Download hashtag post data.
  4. Get user’s all follower names.
  5. Get user’s all following names.