How do I get a short code SMS?

Starting a Short Code Application

  1. Select (…) under the Home icon.
  2. Select Programmable SMS.
  3. Select Senders.
  4. Select Short Codes.
  5. Select the Apply for a Short Code button.

How much does an SMS shortcode cost?

In the United States, short codes can be leased for 3, 6 or 12 month terms. Dedicated short codes cost $1000 per month for a vanity or select short code, and $500 per month for non-vanity, random short codes.

Can I buy a shortcode?

Unfortunately, here in the United States, buying a short code isn’t an option—you can only lease. The Short Code Registry permits monthly, quarterly, biannual, or annual short code leases.

How do I register short code?

When creating your own shortcodes, there are two things you need to do:

  1. Create the shortcode handler function. A shortcode function is a function that takes optional parameters (attributes) and returns a result.
  2. Register the shortcode handler function.

How do shortcodes work?

In a nutshell, a shortcode is a small piece of code, indicated by brackets like [this] , that performs a dedicated function on your site. You can place it just about anywhere you’d like, and it will add a specific feature to your page, post, or other content.

What does text message short code programs mean?

A short code is a 4 to 9-digit number, just like a phone number, which a company uses to send or receive text messages. When you sign up for a short code program, you’ll receive related text messages on your mobile phone.

How do I create a short code service?

How to Get a Dedicated Short Code

  1. Complete Service Approval Form. Cellular providers want to know what you plan on sending before giving you the go-ahead.
  2. Provision and Test Your Number.
  3. Launch Your Marketing Campaign.

Can I buy a short code?