How do I get a loan from Wells Fargo?

Simply go to and sign in with your Wells Fargo Online® username and password or your last name, date of birth, last 4 digits of your Social Security number, and the unique Access Code that we’ll send to you by email when you’re eligible to use yourLoanTracker.

How long does it take for Wells Fargo to approve a loan?

It takes 2 to 4 business days to get money from a Wells Fargo personal loan, in most cases. The Wells Fargo loan timeline includes around up to 3 business days to get approved for a Wells Fargo loan and another 1 business day to receive the funds after approval.

What credit score do you need for Wells Fargo loan?

Wells Fargo’s personal loans and lines of credit reportedly require a credit score of 660+. For home equity lines of credit, you may need a score of 700+. Wells Fargo has credit card options for a range of different credit scores.

How much will Wells Fargo let me borrow?

Wide range of amounts is available. Personal loans range from $3,000 to $100,000. Subject to income verification.

What is the monthly payment on a 25000 loan?

The monthly payment on a $25,000 loan ranges from $342 to $2,512, depending on the APR and how long the loan lasts. For example, if you take out a $25,000 loan for one year with an APR of 36%, your monthly payment will be $2,512.

What’s a good credit score?

Although ranges vary depending on the credit scoring model, generally credit scores from 580 to 669 are considered fair; 670 to 739 are considered good; 740 to 799 are considered very good; and 800 and up are considered excellent.

How long does it take to get approved for a personal loan?

Typically, you can expect to wait 1 – 7 business days for a personal loan to go through. Approval will generally take 1 – 3 business days, while disbursal will typically take 1 – 5 business days. It is possible for a loan to take as long as 30 days to process.

Why did Wells Fargo deny my loan?

If you have a bad credit score or no credit at all, it’s likely that a lender will refuse to lend to you. With a history of missed payments or no history at all, the lender can’t feel confident that it won’t lose money by lending to you.