How do I get a list of pacman packages?

  1. Searching For Packages With Pacman. You can search for packages using pacman with : $ pacman -Ss
  2. Listing All Installed Packages With Pacman. You can list all the packages installed on your system along with their versions by typing : $ pacman -Q.
  3. Installing Packages With Pacman.

How do I list installed packages in Arch?

You may want to get the list of installed packages with their version, which is useful when reporting bugs or discussing installed packages.

  1. List all explicitly installed packages: pacman -Qe .
  2. List all packages in the package group named group : pacman -Sg group.

What package does Arch Linux use?

The packages for Arch Linux are obtained from the Arch Linux package tree and are compiled for the x86-64 architecture. It uses binary packages in the tar.zst (for zstd compression), with .pkg placed before this to indicate that it is a Pacman package (giving .pkg.tar.zst ).

How large is Arch Linux?

To download Arch Linux, head to and download the latest release (2022.01. 01 as of this writing). The ISO should be around 870 megabytes in size.

Where are apps installed Arch Linux?

1 Answer

  • for apps that follow the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard and are installed by system package manager (in case of Arch pacman ), /usr/ tree is used.
  • for apps that follow FHS principles, but are installed per hand (commonly compiled via make and installed via make install ), /usr/local/ is the right place.

How do I install pacman package manager?

Download Deb-pacman. deb file from the releases page and then install it like below on any Debian-based systems. To manually install Deb-pacman, simply download the Deb-pacman file and make it executable. Then, copy it to your PATH, for example /usr/bin/.

How do you check if a package is installed in Arch Linux?

You should use Pacman, the package manager of Arch Linux. You want to use the -Q operation to query the installed local package database and the -i option to get information on the package.

Where are packages installed in Arch Linux?

Every package downloaded with pacman is stored in /var/cache/pacman/pkg. ls /var/cache/pacman/pkg | grep linux linux-3.11. 6-1-x86_64. pkg.

How do I install programs on pacman?

To install an application, all you have to do is enter sudo pacman -S PACKAGENAME . Just replace PACKAGENAME with the name of the application that you want to install. You will be prompted to enter your password. Once you enter it, your application will be downloaded and installed.