How do I get a free name change?

The Social Security Administration has its own form which you can get for free. The good folks at SSI will also let the IRS know about the name change, so you’re good to go. When you go to the DMV, you’ll just need to bring the certified copy of the marriage certificate and you’ll be done.

How much does it cost to legally change your name in GA?

Name Change Filing Fees

State Filing Fee
GA $200 – $215
HI $50
IA $180
ID $88

How do I file a petition in Georgia to change my name?

File a petition to the Clerk’s Office of the Superior Court of the county where you reside. Contact the Clerk’s Office of the Superior Court for information about how to submit a petition and pay fees. Find a court. You must complete and sign all required paperwork for your petition.

How long does it take to change name in Georgia?

The required waiting period for an adult name change in Georgia is 30 days from the date of filing in court. In addition, publication of the Notice in the Champion must have been completed.

Can I change my name via deed poll online?

This legally binding document is also commonly known as a “Change of name Deed.” At Deed Polls Online we offer a range of comprehensive Deed Poll Services, which include Adult, Child and Replacement Deed Poll Service. Our team of experienced Paralegals hand draft each Deed Poll and Certified Copies.

Can I legally change my name without deed poll?

In some cases you won’t need a deed poll to change your name. When you change your name you must formally document the change of name in some way, but you may be able to use a document or certificate that you already have.

Can I change my name by deed poll for free?

Deed polls serve as evidence that you have started using a new name. These documents are particularly important for name changes that are not the result of a marriage or divorce, as the deed poll will serve as the main form of documentation for your new name. Both free and paid deed polls are an option.

Is deed poll Online legit?

Each member of our Deed Poll drafting team is a fully qualified Paralegal. This ensures that each Deed Poll we provide is Legally binding. We Guarantee that your Deed Poll will be accepted everywhere. This includes the UK Government, Passport Office & the DVLA.

Who can witness a name change?

Your witness must be independent of you. As such, your witness can be a friend, neighbour or colleague, but they may not be a relative, your partner, or someone you live with.