How do I get a copy of my marriage certificate in Australia?

Birth, death, marriage and change of name certificates Replacement certificates can be ordered from the Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages online or by telephone 131 882.

How do I get a certificate of no impediment to marry in Australia?

You can get these from your local births, deaths and marriages registry. Some authorities only accept a CNI issued within their country. Ask if you must get it from the closest Australian embassy or consulate, or if you can get one in Australia before you go. You may also need to legalise the CNI.

How do I find out if someone has died in Australia?

The easiest and safest way to find out if someone has died in Australia is to search Australia’s most trusted destination for death, funeral and tribute notices in print and online – My Tributes. You can still find local, recent death notices in your local newspaper.

How can I prove I’ve never been married?

In the United States a certificate of non-impediment for marriage is commonly referred to a single status affidavit. Here is an example of a single status affidavit: The first step is to contact the local County Clerk’s office to request a document that states you are currently not married (AKA: Single Status).

What documents do I need for a certificate of no impediment?

You may need to provide copies of birth certificates, proof of divorce in the form of a decree absolute or a sworn affidavit confirming you are legally able to marry. It is essential that you find out which documents you will need to present overseas to get married.

Where can I find historical records of marriage in Canberra?

The ACT Government through their Access Canberra website currently provides the following historical indexes online, in the form of PDF files: Includes marriage registration number, given names and surnames of both parties, and the date of marriage.

Where can I find birth and Death Records in NSW?

The NSW indexes to Births (1788-1905), Deaths (1788-1973) and Marriages (1788-1955) are searchable online at the NSW Registry of BDM website. Earlier incarnations of these indexes are also available on CD-ROM and microfiche. Registration in this area is most likely, but not exclusively, in the District of Queanbeyan.

What does Access Canberra do for birth records?

Contact options Overview Access Canberra is responsible for the registration of certain events such as births, deaths and marriages that occur in the ACT, and the provision certificates of these registrations to authorised applicants under the Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Act 1997. Records are from 1930 to present.

How do I get a new birth certificate in Canberra?

You can now apply for a new or replacement birth, death or marriage certificate online, 24/7. You do not need to visit an Access Canberra Service Centre. If your identity document was recently lost or destroyed by bushfire you can have replacements issued at no charge, please call us on 13 22 81. How to go online