How do I format a bibliography in APA Style?

In general, the list of references is double-spaced and listed alphabetically by first author’s last name. For each reference, the first line is typed flush with the left margin, and any additional lines are indented as a group a few spaces to the right of the left margin (this is called a hanging indent).

How do you format a bibliography in APA Style 7th edition?


  1. Author or authors.
  2. Year of publication of the book (in round brackets).
  3. Book title (in italics).
  4. Edition (in round brackets), if other than first edition.
  5. Publisher.
  6. DOI (where a book has a DOI this must be included, even if you are referring to a print book).
  7. The first line of each citation is left adjusted.

How do you arrange a bibliography?

The bibliography is put into alphabetical order according to the surnames of the authors and editors you are citing. If you cite two authors with the same surname, put them in alphabetical order by their first names or initials.

How do you begin a bibliography?

Start a preliminary, or draft, bibliography by listing on a separate sheet of paper all your sources. Note down the full title, author, place of publication, publisher, and date of publication for each source. Also, every time a fact gets recorded on a note card, its source should be noted in the top right corner.

Are bibliography and references the same?

A reference list is used with in-text referencing styles (e.g. APA). It includes the details of all the cited sources in alphabetical order by family name. A bibliography is used with footnote referencing styles (eg. Chicago A).

How bibliography is written?

The bibliography (as it is called in the note-bibliography system) is placed at the end of your paper, is a double-spaced alphabetized list of books, articles, and other sources used in writing the paper. This list provides all of the information someone would need to locate the source you’re referencing.

What is bibliography example?

A bibliography is a list of works (such as books and articles) written on a particular subject or by a particular author. Adjective: bibliographic. Also known as a list of works cited, a bibliography may appear at the end of a book, report, online presentation, or research paper.