How do I fix SSL Error 31?

Error 31 can be caused by a variety of misconfigurations or outdated version of the service provider. To solve the problem, make sure the SSL certificate is valid.

What is SSL Error 40?

Solution. This issue’s root cause is the end-user DNS resolver (client) not working properly. In most of the cases the issue is resolved with the following actions: Clear your browser cache.

How do I fix SSL Error 47?

The SSL handshake error can be resolved simply by changing the date and time on your computer to three years in the future and then back again.

  1. Open your Windows Start screen, and then click on the current date and time.
  2. Click “Settings | Set the time and date | Internet Time | Change Settings.”

What is SSL error?

(Source – Techuz) So when you get SSL connection error, it means the internet connection on your phone is preventing the browser from loading the page for security and privacy.

What is SSL Error 47?

Description. If users are getting an SSL Error 47 when launching Citrix, this would suggest that the Safe EMS client is not compatible with the version of Citrix. Users will need install an older version of Citrix.

What is a handshake failure alert?

A TLS/SSL handshake failure occurs when a client and server cannot establish communication using the TLS/SSL protocol. When this error occurs in Apigee Edge, the client application receives an HTTP status 503 with the message Service Unavailable.

Why is my Citrix gateway not working?

To resolve this issue, ensure your account has full administrative permissions on the client machine (HKEY_USERS\USER_SID\SOFTWARE\Citrix). If your domain account lacks elevated permissions, back up your Registry and delete the Citrix Registry key. Next, exit the Citrix Receiver and relaunch it.

How do I connect to Citrix server?

How to connect to a different server from Citrix Receiver

  1. Open the Citrix Receiver application.
  2. Click the drop-down arrow near the top-right.
  3. Click “Accounts” from the menu.
  4. On the “Add or Remove Accounts” window, click “Add”
  5. Enter the new server address.