How do I fix my ODBC driver?


  1. Solution.
  2. Select ‘Administrative Tools’ > ‘Data Sources (ODBC)’.
  3. Click on the ‘Repair’ button.
  4. Click on ‘OK’ button.
  5. The following message will appear upon successful repair.
  6. The database is repaired and the report should be able to be opened with the IQmark Diagnostic Workstation now.

How do I enable ODBC driver?

  1. Go to Start > Settings > Control Panel.
  2. Open the ODBC icon.
  3. The User DSN tab appears. Click Add.
  4. The Create New Data Source window appears. Select the appropriate driver and click Finish.
  5. The Data Source Setup window appears for that driver.
  6. Click Select.
  7. The Select Database window opens.
  8. Click OK.

Do I need a 32 bit or 64 bit ODBC driver?

Though not recommended for various reasons, if you choose to use ODBC drivers to access SQL Server, your ODBC driver needs to be 32-bit to match Campaign Enterprise. If you are on a 32-bit Operating System, the ODBC Connections tool in your control panel can be used to administer the ODBC definition.

How do I reset my ODBC driver?

To delete a data source by using ODBC Administrator

  1. In Control Panel, open Administrative Tools, and then double-click either ODBC Data Sources (64-bit) or ODBC Data Sources (32-bit).
  2. Click the User DSN, System DSN, or File DSN tab.
  3. Select the data source to delete.
  4. Click Remove, and then confirm the deletion.

Why does ODBC connection fail?

To fix this problem, the ODBC Driver settings need to be adjusted. Follow these steps: Click Start > Settings >Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Data Sources (ODBC). Click the “System DSN” tab in the ODBC Data Source Administrator Window.

How do I enable ODBC in Windows 10?

Step-by-step ODBC Data Source Setup in Windows 10

  1. Press Windows + R to open the Run dialog.
  2. Type in odbcad32 and click OK.
  3. In the ODBC Data Source Administrator dialog box, select the System DSN or User DSN tab.
  4. Click Add.
  5. Locate the necessary driver in the list and click Finish.

How do I check my ODBC settings?

How to Test ODBC System’s DSN

  1. Click the Windows “Start” button and then click “Control Panel.” Click “System and Security.” Click “Administrative Tools” in the list of utilities.
  2. Click the DSN you want to test.
  3. Click the “Test Connection” button.

How do I change ODBC driver to 32-bit or 64-bit?

If you build and then run an application as a 32-bit application on a 64-bit operating system, you must create the ODBC data source by using the ODBC Administrator tool in %windir%\SysWOW64\odbcad32 .exe. To indicate the type of DSN, you can add ‘_32’ to the 32-bit user DSNs and ‘_64’ to the 64-bit user DSNs.

How do I update ODBC drivers in Windows 10?