How do I fix MAPI error in Outlook 2013?

To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Restart your computer, and then start Outlook Express.
  2. On the Tools menu, click Options.
  3. On the General tab, click to clear (un-check) the Make Outlook Express my default Simple MAPI client check box, and then click Apply.
  4. Click OK when you receive the prompt to restart your computer.

Is Microsoft Mail MAPI-compliant?

Windows Mail is not MAPI-compliant.

Is Outlook a MAPI?

MAPI is a messaging system that is used by Microsoft Outlook and Exchange for email, contacts, appointments, tasks, sticky notes, etc. It is based on a proprietary technology from Microsoft which uses RPC-based communication to communicate with a MAPI-based mail server like Exchange.

How do I enable MAPI in Outlook?

On the mailbox properties page that opens, click Mailbox features. In the Email Connectivity section, configure one of these settings: If you see MAPI: Enabled, click Disable to disable it, and then click Yes in the warning message that appears. If you see MAPI: Disabled, click Enable to enable it.

What is a MAPI compliant email program?

MAPI-compliant means that your email application complies with Microsoft Windows standards for connecting to other programs, email, and phone systems. Examples of MAPI-compliant email applications are Netscape Messenger, Outlook, Outlook Express, and Eudora.

How do I make MAPI compliant in Outlook?

Use the new Exchange admin center to enable or disable MAPI Under Mailbox settings > Email apps, click the Manage email apps settings link. In the Manage settings for email apps display pane, do one of the following. To disable MAPI, for the Outlook desktop (MAPI) option, when the button is Enabled, set to Disabled.

Does Outlook use MAPI or SMTP?

Users with Microsoft Outlook and an Exchange server will almost always use MAPI. Users that utilize other clients like Thunderbird to connect to a free email server or companies that use Office 365 will likely need to use SMTP settings.

What is the change in MAPI connectivity with Exchange 2013?

Messaging Application Programming Interface (MAPI) over HTTP is a new transport protocol implemented in Microsoft Exchange Server 2013 Service Pack 1 (SP1). MAPI over HTTP improves the reliability and stability of the Outlook and Exchange connections by moving the transport layer to the industry-standard HTTP model.

How do I make Outlook my default MAPI?

In Windows 10, select Start and type Default apps. Select Default apps from the suggestions. Under Email, if Outlook is not listed, select the app that is listed to be presented with a list of email apps installed on your computer, then select Outlook.