How do I fix Lib Ld linux SO 2 bad ELF interpreter No such file or directory?
How do I fix Lib Ld linux SO 2 bad ELF interpreter No such file or directory?
2: bad ELF interpreter: No such file or directory. To solve this problem you should install glibc. i686 packages.
What is bad ELF interpreter?
The cause of the “bad ELF interpreter” error is usually because the operating system doesn’t have the support libraries to run 32-bit applications, so we need to install them.
What is Ld linux SO 2?
This program is defined as part of the structure of the ELF file, in the INTERP section of the program header. For 32bit linux binaries, this is the typical name of the 32bit interpreter. For 64bit binaries, you’ll find it is typically called ld-linux-x86_64. so. 2 (for 64bit x86 platforms).
What is Lib Ld linux so?
/lib/ a.out dynamic linker/loader /lib/{1,2} ELF dynamic linker/loader /etc/ File containing a compiled list of directories in which to search for libraries and an ordered list of candidate libraries.
What is PatchELF?
PatchELF is a simple utility for modifying existing ELF executables and libraries. In particular, it can do the following, Change the dynamic loader (“ELF interpreter”) of executables. Change the RPATH of executables and libraries. Shrink the RPATH of executables and libraries.
How does Ld Linux work?
The ld command, also called the linkage editor or binder, combines object files, archives, and import files into one output object file, resolving external references. It produces an executable object file that can be run.
What is ld used for?
What is PatchELF in Linux?
What is Dt_needed?
DT_NEEDED. The DT_STRTAB string table offset of a null-terminated string, giving the name of a needed dependency. The dynamic array can contain multiple entries of this type. The relative order of these entries is significant, though their relation to entries of other types is not. See Shared Object Dependencies.
What is ELF Linux?
ELF is the standard binary format on operating systems such as Linux. Some of the capabilities of ELF are dynamic linking, dynamic loading, imposing run-time control on a program, and an improved method for creating shared libraries.