How do I fix file status 46?

Re: How to solve File status code 46 for the below code You have to stop reading the second file when you find a match on the first file. That is the point of the “match key” having to exist. If you read to end of tile 2, then, yes, you will get the 46 for the first file 2 read for the second file 1 record.

What is status 23 in VSAM?

The reason for File status 23 is as follows – Invalid key for a VSAM indexed or relative file; no record found. Solution: Check the key value is defined for VSAM indexed file or not.

What is VSAM file status codes?

VSAM – File Status

Code Description
00 Operation completed successfully
02 Non-Unique Alternate Index duplicate key found
04 Invalid fixed length record
05 While performing OPEN File and file is not present

What does a file status of 02 on a VSAM indicate?

Re: VSAM file status 02. It is worth noting that the first digit of the file status code being a zero means that the operation was successful, even though the second digit can be 0, 2, 4, 5, or 7 to denote various conditions that did not prevent the operation but could impact the results.

What is file status code 46 in Cobol?

If a second sequential read is unsuccessful, a file status of 46 occurs and the AT END phrase is not executed.” When an AT END condition occurs, the READ is considered unsuccessful. This causes unpredictable results. The cause is the record contents returned to the program are UNDEFINED.

What is file status 92 in Cobol?

The 92 file status code (LOGIC ERROR) indicates you’re attempting to read a NEXT record without having established a current record to read the next record after.

What is file status 92 in COBOL?

What is file status 90 in Cobol?

file status 90 Unsuccessful OPEN, READ, WRITE or CLOSE operation. You missed to initialize the file before OPEN, READ or WRITE statement.

What is file status 90 in COBOL?