How do I fix compile error Expected end of statement?

To correct this error

  1. Check to see if two different statements have inadvertently been put on the same line.
  2. Insert a line terminator after the element that completes the statement.

How do I fix compile error user defined Type not defined?


  1. Goto the menu Tools-> References.
  2. Select the library “Microsoft Scripting Runtime.” ( This varies depending on the object used.
  3. Click on the “OK” button and close the dialog.
  4. Now you can compile the code and see that the error doesn’t appear anymore.

What is compile error expected?

The Expected: expression compile error means that while trying to compile the line, things went haywire because the compiler was expecting to find an expression but found nothing. This error happens if you leave one or more dangling commas at the end of a statement.

What does compile error expected list separator mean?

The Expected: list separator or ) error message tells you that the compiler was expecting to find either a list separator (such as the comma that separates arguments in a function) or a closing parenthesis in the statement. In most cases, it highlights where the problem began.

What is a compile error in VBA?

What are Compile Errors? Compile errors refer to a wider group of VBA errors, which include syntax errors. Compile errors also identify problems with your code when considered as a whole. The syntax of each individual line may be correct, but when put together, the lines of your code don’t make sense.

What is user defined type?

A user-defined data type (UDT) is a data type that derived from an existing data type. You can use UDTs to extend the built-in types already available and create your own customized data types. There are six user-defined types: Distinct type. Structured type.

How do you fix Expected variable or procedure not module?

This error has the following cause and solution: The name of a module is used as a variable or procedure. Check the spelling of the variable or procedure name, and make sure the name you want to refer to isn’t private to another module.

What is list separator in VBA?

I have in the regional settings of the system comma as a decimal separator dot as thousand separator and semicolon as list separator. Excel is set to use system settings.

How do I fix a syntax error in Excel macro?

To do this, click on ‘Tools’ and then click on ‘Options’. In the options dialog box, make sure that the ‘Auto Syntax Check’ option is enabled. If the ‘Auto Syntax Check’ option is disabled, VBA will still highlight the line with the syntax error in red, but it will not show the error dialog box.

What is VBA compile error?