How do I fix a default printer in Windows 7?

Change Default Printer via Windows Registry

  1. First of all, open up the Run dialog box on your computer by pressing Windows key + R on your keyboard.
  2. In the Run dialog box, type in regedit and then hit the Enter key on your keyboard.
  3. On the follow-up User Access Control dialog box, click the Yes button.

How do I set the default printer in Windows 7 registry?

Simple Steps For How to Set Default Printer Windows 7 Registry

  1. Click the Start button and type regedit on the search field.
  2. Move to the Computer HKEY_CURRENT – USER Software Microsoft Windows NT Current Version Devices.
  3. Locate the target printer in the list of available devices in the right pane.

How do I change the default printer in the registry?

Type Regedit and hit the Enter key. In the right pane, right click on “LegacyDefaultPrinterMode” and click modify to change the value of LegacyDefaultPrinterMode from the default 0 to 1. Restart your computer. Try setting you default printer again.

How do I fix my printer in the registry?

Registry Fix

  1. Click Start.
  2. Type regedit and press enter to open the Registry Editor.
  3. Navigate to the path HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows NT\Printers\PointAndPrint.
  4. Double-click the NoWarningNoElevationOnInstall DWORD key and set its value to 0.
  5. Click the OK button.

How do I fix unable to set a default printer?

Fix Unable to Set Default Printer Error 0x00000709

  1. Press Windows Key + I to open Settings then click Devices.
  2. Now from the left-hand menu select Printers & scanners.
  3. Disable the toggle under “Let Windows manage my default printer. “
  4. Close everything and reboot your PC.

How do I resolve 0x00000709?

Fix 2: Modify your registry key

  1. Click the Start button, then type regedit and press Enter.
  2. Follow the path HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\WindowsNT\CurrentVersion\Windows.
  3. Double-click Device.
  4. Right-click UserSelectDefault and click Rename to rename it as your printer name.

How do I find the default printer in the registry?

The default printer is determined for a user by querying the registry key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows : Device using GetProfileString() function. From this key a string formatted as follows is derived: PRINTERNAME, winspool, PORT.

Where are printer settings stored in registry?

Double-click “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE | SYSTEM | CurrentControlSet | Control |Print | Printers.” Each of your locally-installed printers should be listed here in labeled folders.

Where are printer drivers stored in registry?

The registry entries for the printer drivers that are installed on the computer are stored in the Version-x subkey or subkeys, where x is a number (typically 2 or 3).

What is error code 0x00000709?

Operation could not be completed (error 0x00000709), This occurs if there is already a default printer set and configured or Windows does not want to configure the new printer at all. Press Win + R button combination to launch the Run utility, type in regedit and hit Enter.

What is the cause of error 0x00000709?

Causes of error 0x00000709 This scenario happens due to a glitch that occurs in the registry settings. The registry keys prioritize the previous printer driver as the default one and prevent you from setting the current driver as default. It’s a common occurrence in Windows 7, 8, and 10 operating systems.