How do I fix a 301 SMART disk error?

How to Solve SMART Hard Disk Error 301

  1. Use left/right arrow keys and go to ‘Advanced’ tab.
  2. Using up/down arrow key, move the selection to ‘Boot Order. ‘
  3. Follow the on-screen instructions and move the hard disk to top in the boot order.
  4. Press F10 key to save changes and exit the BIOS.

How do I fix error in SMART detection?

A system S.M.A.R.T. error means you should backup your data as soon as possible and maintain consistent backups. A S.M.A.R.T. warning based on excessive average temperature is common, and can sometimes be fixed by improving ventilation.

How do I clear the SMART error on my hard drive?


  1. Stop Using The Faulty HDD.
  2. Restore The Deleted Data From The Disk.
  3. Scan The Disk For Bad Sectors.
  4. Reduce The Disk Temperature.
  5. Run Hard Disk Defragmentation.
  6. Buy a New Hard Disk.

How do I fix a SMART error on my SSD?

Another way to fix SMART errors is to check the drive for errors. You can do this by going to the This PC folder, right-clicking on the drive or its partition, selecting “Service” and running the “Check”. If the error was not fixed during the test, the drive should be defragmented.

What is SMART error in hard disk?

S.M.A.R.T. errors are a near-term prediction of drive failure. It is important to realize that the drive may appear to be functioning normally. Even some diagnostic tests could still have a PASS status. A S.M.A.R.T. error is a prediction that the diagnostic test will soon fail.

How do I reset my SMART SSD?

SMART is meant to be an audit of the drives history and is maintained by the drive itself, so you cannot “reset” or “clear” SMART values. Hard drives have spare space for recovery reasons. The recovery happens automatically.

Can harddisk be repaired?

Hard drive repair is possible, but they should NOT be reused after a recovery! Of course, HDDs can be repaired! However, a repaired HDD should not be reused, but rather, have its contents recovered immediately and then be discarded as it cannot be trusted to work into the future.