How do I find recent arrests in Maine?

How to search online for Arrest Records in Maine. The Maine State Bureau of Identification provides a public Criminal History Record search that is available 24 hours a day and can be used to request the criminal history record information of any person in the database.

Are police reports public information in Maine?

Please be advised that police investigative and intelligence records are not generally considered public records under Maine law, and the release of such records is restricted under Title 16, chapter 9 of the Maine Revised Statutes Annotated.

How many sheriffs are there in Maine?

16 sheriffs
There are 16 sheriffs in Maine, but only one is yours. We encourage you to learn more about the top elected law-enforcement official in your county and how you can support the work of your local sheriff’s office.

Can I see if someone has a criminal record?

But, for the most part, anyone can go to a court clerk’s office (and, sometimes, on a court or state agency website) and search the files for records of conviction for a certain person. Sealed records. An exception to the public access rules applies when convictions have been sealed by the court from public view.

How many game wardens are in Maine?

125 game wardens
The jobs of the game wardens of the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife, Bureau of the Warden Service include enforcement, investigation, and search and rescue. The Bureau is home to 125 game wardens who work throughout the state’s five field operations division and eight specialty teams.

How many law enforcement are there in Maine?

Sworn Personnel There were 302 sworn officers employed by the Maine State Police. The ratio of officers per 1,000 population in rural areas is 1.34. Statewide, there were 2,278 full-time sworn law enforcement officers. The total complement of officers represents a rate of 1.71 officers per 1,000 population.

Are restraining orders public record in Maine?

Yes. According to the Maine Freedom of Access Act (FOAA), court records are considered public records and are hence open to members of the public for inspection or copying.