How do I find out who owns a property in Maricopa County?

Maricopa County Public Records

  1. Maricopa Assessor. (602) 506-3406. Go to Data Online.
  2. Maricopa Recorder. (602) 506-3535. Go to Data Online.
  3. Maricopa Treasurer. (602) 506-8511. Go to Data Online.
  4. Maricopa Mapping / GIS. Go to Data Online.
  5. Maricopa NETR Mapping and GIS.

How do I find the land value of my property in Maricopa County?

The formulas for calculating Full Cash Value and Assessed Value are:

  1. Full Cash Value = Original Cost multiplied by Valuation Factor (AZDOR Personal Property Manual, Chapter 10)
  2. Assessed Value = Full Cash Value multiplied by Assessment Ratio (varies per Legal Class of property per ARS Title 42, Chapter 15, Article 1.

How do I find an address for land in Maricopa County?

How do I get a property address assigned for my vacant land? The property address, or the situs address, is not typically assigned to vacant land. If this is the case, you will want to contact the municipality in which the property is located and request a situs address.

How do I find the legal description of a property in Arizona?

You can get this information from the treasurer, assessor, or recorder in your county. This information can be located in your deed or trust documents.

How do I check for liens in Arizona?

A service is available on to check for liens and unresolved financial obligations on an Arizona titled vehicle.

Is there a property tax break for seniors in Arizona?

Yes. The relief comes in several forms. First, there is an exemption for widows, widowers and totally disabled persons. For qualified people, the exemption has the effect of reducing the assessed value of the real property by up to $3,000 with a corresponding reduction in property tax.

How do I find the legal description of a property in Maricopa County?

Most Arizona county recorder offices or county assessors offices do have an online database property search. This source makes obtaining the Property Legal Descripttion very easy. If you are online, merely go to the appropriate web address URL and run a search.

How do I do a title search in Arizona?

A title search in Arizona must be done by going to the recorder in the county in which the property is located. Some counties have parcel information online, while others require you to physically go to the office. Step 1 – Go to This Website and locate the county in which the property is located.

Can someone take your property by paying the taxes in Arizona?

With what’s known as a “tax lien” on the property, those investors then have the right to collect not just the debt, but compounding interest, too. If homeowners can’t pay the tax plus interest, they lose their homes and all the equity they’ve gained.