How do I find out where my Mercury is?

Because Mercury is closest to the sun, your Mercury sign will always be in the same sign as your Sun sign, or the sign before or after, according to Montúfar. (For example, if you’re an Aries, your Mercury sign will either be in Aries, Taurus, or Pisces.)

What sign is Mercury in astrology?

the messenger of the gods, is the ruler of Gemini and Virgo. Mercury is the messenger in Astrology as it is in Mythology. It is the planet of day-to-day expression and communication.

What is Mercury in your chart?

Mercury is the planet of communication and the mind, and its placement in your natal chart can tell us how you communicate, how you make decisions, and how you process and exchange information. It can also offer insights into your unique sense of humor.

Is your Mercury sign your rising sign?

Although Mercury can be in other houses on your chart, to be a rising sign it has to be in your First House. Your rising sign is also known as your ascendant sign—abbreviated as AC.

What is a Virgo Mercury?

People born with Mercury in Virgo have very sharp minds that can easily comprehend complex patterns, processes, and problems. Your mind is your greatest asset, and you tend to look at the world more realistically than most.

What is Mercury in Scorpio?

Mercury in Scorpio These folks are driven in communication to get to the truth and the dark beating heart of all things. Because of that, they are keenly observant and highly suspicious. Mercury in Scorpio folks do not shy away from difficult subject matter; they are oxygenated by secrets and offer sound advice.

What is Mercury in Gemini?

Since Mercury rules Gemini, it’s exalted (aka right at home) when it’s direct (aka not retrograde) in this sign. But when it’s moving backwards—which will be the case from May 10 to 22—you get a cosmic formula for the stereotypical Mercury retrograde obstacles. “We get communication issues.

Is Mercury the same as rising?

To determine your chart ruler in astrology, first look below to discover out what planet rules your rising sign, according to Lang: Aries: Mars. Taurus: Venus. Gemini: Mercury.

How do I find out my ascendant and rising sign?

“Astrologers need the precise time of birth to cast a chart because the position of the horizon changes so quickly,” Viera says. “You can locate your rising on a circle chart by finding the line that cuts horizontally through the center and following it to the left. The sign that that line cuts through is your rising.”

What planet is Virgo?

MercuryVirgo / Ruling planet

What planet is Virgo ruled by?

They’re hyper-aware of every detail. Virgo is governed by Mercury, the messenger planet of communication. Though Mercury also rules Gemini, these two signs are radically different: Gemini is about output and expression, whereas Virgo is about input and processing.