How do I find my ECCN?

How to find ECCN number

  1. Talk to the manufacturer, who may already have an assigned ECCN.
  2. Look at the Commerce Control List, and work through the categories to find the ECCN which most closely fits your product.
  3. Get an ECCN online through the Electronic Request for Item Classification (ERIC) process.

What is the difference between EAR and ITAR?

Regulated Items: ITAR covers all defense articles and services, while EAR covers commercial and dual-use items and technologies. Where Regulated Items are Listed: You can find ITAR-covered items on the United States Munitions List (USML), while EAR items are listed on Commercial Control List (CCL).

What is controlled by export control?

Export controls are U.S. laws and regulations that regulate and restrict the release of critical technologies, information, and services to foreign nationals, within and outside of the United States, and foreign countries for reasons of foreign policy and national security.

What is HTS and ECCN?

There is a lot of confusion when it comes to imports and exports. Some of the things that always get confused are the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (HTS), Schedule B, Export Control Classification Number (ECCN), and the United States Munitions List (USML).

Can something be both ITAR and EAR?

Also, like the CJ process for ITAR vs. EAR jurisdiction, the BIS also has a process called CCATS that can help exporters determine the correct ECCN of their item….

Regulates defense articles and defense services. Regulates commercial and dual-use items and technology.

What are Itar products?

U.S. Munitions List (ITAR)​ Category I-Firearms, Close Assault Weapons and Combat Shotguns. Category II-Guns and Armament. Category III-Ammunition/Ordnance. Category IV-Launch Vehicles, Guided & Ballistic Missiles, Rockets, Torpedoes, Bombs and Mines.

What is CCL code?

Introduction. Cerner Command Language, aka CCL, aka Discern Explorer, is a database query and scripting language used with Cerner Millennium databases.