How do I find .CO domain?

Launch Your Idea on a . CO Domain.

  1. Find Your . CO. Search for an available domain name.
  2. Checkout. Register your domain name with one of our trusted retailers. We’ve partnered with the best world-wide!
  3. Join The Community. Add your new . CO domain name to our growing community of domain name innovators around the globe.

Who owns a co domain?

CO Internet S.A.S was acquired by Neustar for US$109 Million, and became a wholly owned subsidiary of Neustar. It is responsible for the promotion, administration, and technical operation of the . co TLD.

Can I have a .CO website?

co domain has been accepted by international web users. The domain is only one letter shy of looking like a. com. It is simple to remember and closely resembles the number one TLD. Users easily associate extension with terms such as Corporation, Commerce, and, of course, company.

Why are WHOIS tools so important?

WHOIS helps to democratize the Internet. Anyone, from businesses and corporations to law enforcement and individual users, can access and use the WHOIS database to find out who is behind a domain name and any associated website. Beyond that, many people find the WHOIS database a great tool for business opportunities.

What is nslookup used for?

nslookup is the name of a program that lets an Internet server administrator or any computer user enter a host name (for example, “”) and find out the corresponding IP address or domain name system (DNS) record.

What does .co domain stand for?

company or corporation
co is a top-level domain extension and it’s the acronym for company or corporation. . co domain names are easy to recognize, simple to remember and flexible to use. They offer international recognition in a landscape where it’s essential to register a domain name with care — not just settle for what’s available.

Can anyone register a .co domain?

co domain name. . co was launched as a generic top-level domain (TLD) in 2010. Since then, any person in any country can purchase and register a . co domain name.

What are .co domains used for?

co is a top-level domain extension and it’s the acronym for company or corporation. . co domain names are easy to recognize, simple to remember and flexible to use. They offer international recognition in a landscape where it’s essential to register a domain name with care — not just settle for what’s available.

Is .co a reliable source?

Absolutely. In a little-known language called “ICANN-ese”, . CO is the ccTLD for the country of Colombia according to ISO 3166. However, if you’re interested in building a website for users in Colombia, we highly recommend using a .

Why is .co domain so expensive?

The . co domain extension is more expensive than the .com, but they are both very affordable. The reason for the higher price is to deter domain name buyers from purchasing domains with the . co extension in bulk and not using them.