How do I file an accident report in Massachusetts?

Report with the Registrar within 5 days after such crash (unless the person is physically incapable of doing so due to incapacity). The person completing the report must also send a copy of the report to the police department having jurisdiction on the way where the crash occurred.

How long do you have to report an accident in Massachusetts?

five days
Failing to notify authorities of a car accident can also be a legal violation in Massachusetts. According to materials from the Department of Transportation, drivers have just five days to file a written report of any crash that causes injury or death.

What do you do in a car accident in MA?

What to Do After a Car Accident in Massachusetts: A Complete 7 Step Guide

  • Stop and Get out of the Road.
  • Call 911.
  • Get Medical Attention.
  • Exchange Insurance Information.
  • Cooperate With Law Enforcement.
  • Take Photos.
  • Contact Your Insurance Provider.
  • Additional Responsibilities: Report Your Car Accident.

Who fills in an accident report form?

The accident book can be filled out by anyone, but it should be checked by the qualified first aider in your workplace. It’s more important that the details written in the accident book are accurate, rather than who fills it out. Ideally, someone with first-hand involvement in the accident would write the record.

How do I file a police report for a car accident in Massachusetts?

If you need the official police report for a vehicle crash, you can get a copy from the Registry of Motor Vehicles. Allow 4 weeks for the RMV to process your request….You will also need to provide your:

  1. Name.
  2. Mailing address.
  3. Email address.
  4. Applicable fee.

What happens if you don’t file a crash report in Massachusetts?

Reporting to the police in five days However, if you don’t have an officer fill out a report on the scene, you have five days to report any accident that caused death, injury or $1,000 of property damage. If you don’t, the police may take away your license.

What are 3 things you do immediately after a car accident?

10 Things You Need to Do After a Car Accident

  • STOP. Never drive away from the scene of an accident, even a minor one.

What information is required on an accident report form?

The date the accident happened; The date the accident was reported; The name and job title of the person logging the accident; Whether or the not the injured party is an expectant mother; and.

What information do you need to include in an accident report form?

Facts related to the incident include:

  1. The Basics. Identify the specific location, time and date of the incident.
  2. The Affected. Collect details of those involved and/or affected by the incident.
  3. The Witnesses.
  4. The Context.
  5. The Actions.
  6. The Environment.
  7. The Injuries.
  8. The Treatment.