How do I extremely compress a PDF?

Click the Select a file button above or drag and drop files into the drop zone. Select the PDF file you want to make smaller. After uploading, Acrobat will automatically reduce the PDF size. Sign in to download or share your compressed PDF.

How do I compress a PDF 300mb?

Compress PDF to 300 KB Online for Free

  1. Go to the Smallpdf Compress PDF tool.
  2. Drag and drop your PDF file into the tool, choose “basic” or “strong compression.”
  3. Wait for us to reduce the file size.
  4. Click “Download” to save your PDF document!

How do I highly compress files?

About This Article

  1. Install 7-Zip.
  2. Right-click the file(s) you want to zip.
  3. Select 7-Zip and click Add to archive…
  4. Select ZIP or 7z as the archive format.
  5. Choose LZMA2 or LZMA as the compression method.
  6. Click OK.

How do I compress a PDF that is more than 100mb?

How to reduce a PDF size online:

  1. To start, upload your file to our PDF compressor.
  2. Our tool will automatically start to shrink the file.
  3. Continue to modify your PDF document if needed.
  4. Download the compressed PDF file to your computer.

How do I compress 500 MB PDF?

How to compress a PDF to reduce it’s size?

  1. Click in the file selection box at the top of the page and select the files to compress.
  2. Change the compression parameters if you want. Start the compression with the corresponding button.
  3. Finally, save the compressed files.

How do I compress a 1GB file?

How to Compress Large Files

  1. 1 Using 7-Zip for Windows.
  2. 2 Using WinRAR for Windows.
  3. 3 Using Archive Utility for Mac.
  4. 4 Compressing Large Video Files.
  5. 5 Compressing Large Audio Files.
  6. 6 Compressing Large Images.

What is the best compression method?

But, if you want the best compression ratio possible, 7z is the way to go….Here are the formats integrated into popular operating systems:

  • Windows: Zip only.
  • Mac OS X: Zip is supported, and so are other archive types like .
  • Linux: Zip is generally supported out-of-the-box.
  • Chrome OS: Zip and RAR are both supported.