How do I export data from LimeSurvey?

Login to limesurvey admin backend, choose your survey and “Browse responses for this survey”. Click on “Display responses” and the id number you want to export in the left column. Then you can click on “Export this survey” above the data.

What are tokens in LimeSurvey?

Surveys can basically be conducted in two different ways: either openly for the general public to access or closed by enabling only specific people to participate. The latter can be achieved in LimeSurvey by using participant management to provide individual participation codes, so-called ‘tokens’, per respondent.

How do I import data from lime survey to SPSS?

Import LimeSurvey responses to SPSS

  1. Download the data and the syntax file.
  2. Open the syntax file in SPSS in Unicode mode.
  3. Edit the ‘FILE=’ line and complete the filename with a full path to the downloaded data file.
  4. Choose ‘Run/All’ from the menu to run the import.
  5. Done.

How do I use Limesurvey API?


  1. start a predefined survey (change titles and things)
  2. add predefined groups or questions.
  3. activate the survey, restrict it to start and endtime.
  4. make it closed,
  5. add participant data/tokens when you need them.
  6. return the unused tokens to the main application.
  7. get a fieldmap for a survey,

How do I activate survey on Limesurvey?

Activate/Stop survey Now that you have at least one question group and one question added to your survey, you can activate it. Select the Settings tab from the menu on the left and click on Overview. The following page will be displayed. Click Activate this survey on the toolbar.

How do I copy a question group in LimeSurvey?

The copy options tab is located on the right side of the screen:

  1. Copy subquestions?: if enabled, the subquestions will also be copied;
  2. Copy answer options?: if enabled, the answer options will also be copied;
  3. Copy default answers?:: if enabled, the default answers will also be copied;

What is relevance equation in Limesurvey?

Relevance equation This function is the successor of conditions and supports much more complex conditional logic. Syntax Highlighting. Whenever you save the relevance equation, it is evaluated and syntax-highlighted. Any errors will be color coded so that you can quickly detect and fix them.

What is a relevance equation?