How do I enable BranchCache?

  1. Right-click the shared folder in Explorer and select Properties.
  2. Select the Sharing tab.
  3. Click the Advanced Sharing button.
  4. Click the Caching button.
  5. Check the Enable BranchCache option, as shown here, and click OK to close all dialogs.

What is the command to enable hosted BranchCache on the branch office server?

Deploy The Main Office BranchCache File Server. Windows Key + R > gpedit. msc > Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Network > Lanman Server > Hash Publication for Branch Cache. Enable the policy and set to Allow hash publication for all share folders > Apply > OK.

How do I check my BranchCache status?

You can use the netsh branchcache show status all command to display the BranchCache service status. You can also use the Get- BCStatus cmdlet to provide BranchCache status and configuration information.

How do I delete a BranchCache service?

Use Windows PowerShell to turn BranchCache on or off

  1. To check the status of BranchCache (Enabled or Disabled), enter: PowerShell Copy. Get-WSSBranchCacheStatus.
  2. To turn BranchCache on, enter: PowerShell Copy. Enable-WSSBranchCache.
  3. To turn BranchCache off, enter: PowerShell Copy. Disable-WSSBranchCache.

Which Windows 10 edition includes BranchCache?

BranchCache is a wide area network (WAN) bandwidth optimization technology that is included in some editions of the Windows Server 2016 and Windows 10 operating systems, as well as in some editions of Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2012, Windows 8, Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows 7.

What is Windows BranchCache?

Microsoft BranchCache is a technology intended to cache central data to remote or branch offices in order to reduce network traffic and optimize Wide Area Network (WAN) utilization.

Is BranchCache enabled by default?

BranchCache is enabled by default. When the requirements for BranchCache are met, this feature enables clients in remote locations to obtain content from local clients that have a current cache of the content.

How do I check my SCCM cache?

Now once you do that, you can manually check the ccmcache size. On the client computer go to control panel and click Configuration Manager. On the Configuration Manager properties box, click Cache tab and then click Configure Settings. This should show the client cache size.

Where are BranchCache files stored?

BranchCache is an OS level mechanism independent from WSUS or ConfigMgr. It uses its own local cache location which by default is C:\Windows\ServiceProfiles\NetworkService\AppData\Local\PeerDistRepub.

How do I enable BranchCache in Windows 10?

In the Properties dialog box, on the General tab, click Offline Settings. The Offline Settings dialog box opens. Ensure that Only the files and programs that users specify are available offline is selected, and then click Enable BranchCache. Click OK twice.

How do I enable BranchCache in SCCM?

Configure SCCM client settings for BranchCache

  1. Go to Administration / Client Setting / Client Cache Settings.
  2. Set the dropdown Enable BranchCache to Yes.
  3. Set the dropdown Configure BranchCache to Yes.
  4. Set the desired option for cache size.
  5. Deploy the client setting to the desired devices.

Where is the SCCM cache folder?

The default location for the Configuration Manager client cache is %windir%\ccmcache and the default disk space is 5120 MB.