How do I edit the source code of a website?

There are three ways to edit the source code of a page from Content > Pages, as follows:

  1. Click to open your page, click Source in the page actions toolbar.
  2. Check out your page, click More Actions. , click Edit > Properties.
  3. Click to open your page, scroll to the page footer, click Edit Source.

How do I open and edit PHP files?

A PHP file is a plain text file, so you can open it in any text editor like VI, Notepad, or Sublime Text. For beginners, tools like Notepad++ should do, since they’ll just be running small snippets of code.

How do I edit PHP in WordPress?

Simply right click on the file and then select download from the menu. Your FTP client will now download wp-config. php file to your computer. You can open and edit it using a plain text editor program like Notepad or Text Edit.

How do I edit my WordPress website?

How to edit your WordPress site content

  1. Log in to your WordPress back-end. Your WordPress site’s back-end or “administration area” is where content creation and editing happens.
  2. Go to the Pages section.
  3. Edit the page.
  4. The Visual Mode Tab.
  5. The Text View Tab.
  6. Adding an Image / Media.
  7. Image Settings.
  8. Save Your Changes.

How do I edit a source file?

Edit Source File Directly in Chrome

  1. Launch Developer Tools. Open Chrome, load the page from your local file system/server.
  2. Edit Your Code. Now jump right in your file and edit your code.
  3. Save the File. Press Ctrl + S / Cmd + S to save your new changes.
  4. Undo Your Mistakes.

How do I edit a PHP file?

You can edit PHP files in any word processor or text editor, but word processors aren’t designed to edit programming code. Instead, use a text editor with support for syntax highlighting, automatic indentation and bracket completion to efficiently edit PHP files.

How do I open PHP in browser?


  1. Click the button Open In Browser on StatusBar.
  2. In the editor, right click on the file and click in context menu Open PHP/HTML/JS In Browser.
  3. Use keybindings Shift + F6 to open more faster (can be changed in menu File -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts )

Which is better php or WordPress?

WordPress guarantees more productivity for users. PHP, on the other hand, offers less productivity though it ensures faster-processing speed. WordPress websites do not require HTML coding. This is why uploading blog posts, images, and other content becomes easier here along with the editing of uploaded content.

How do I edit the content of my WordPress site?

How to edit current content:

  1. Click on Post > All Posts.
  2. Find the Post you would like to edit and either click on the title or ‘Edit’ (which appears when the title is hovered over with a mouse)
  3. Make the changes you desire.
  4. Either: