How do I download prospectus at NWU?
How do I download prospectus at NWU?
North-West University (NWU) Undergraduate and Postgraduate Prospectus 2022 / 2023 PDF Download. The North-West University , NWU Prospectus has been uploaded to the official website and it is available also in PDF format below: Download North-West University prospectus 2022 / 2023 (PDF)
How many points are needed for teaching at NWU?
A Minimum score of 24 is required.
Which courses are still open at NWU?
The following faculties and courses are available at NWU: Economic and Management Sciences – Accounting Sciences, Business & Governance (Business School), Economic Sciences, Industrial Psychology and Human Resource Management, Management Sciences, Tourism.
What is the pass mark at NWU?
You have to obtain a participation mark of at least 40% to qualify for examination admission.
What can I study with 20 points?
Below are the TUT courses that require 20 APS score and below:
- Higher Certificate In Music- APS 20.
- Diploma In Administrative Information Management- APS 19.
- Diploma In Crop Production- APS 19.
- Diploma In Animal Sciences- APS 19.
- Diploma In Law- APS 20.
- Diploma In Language Practice-APS 20.
How many points needed for nursing at NWU?
Prerequisites: National Senior Certificate with university exemption or equivalent; An APS score ≥25; Physical Science or Life sciences or Mathematics at level 4 (at least 50%);
Can I teach Grade 1 with Grade R diploma?
No, you cannot teach grade R with matric. A Diploma in Grade R Teaching is the lowest qualification needed to teach grade R. After completing this diploma you can take your education further and study towards a Bachelor of Education (B Ed: Foundation Phase).
Is NWU open for 2021 late applications?
The Members of The Admissions body of North-West University (NWU) re-opens the opportunity for late applications for 2020/2021.
What percentage is a distinction in NWU?
A student passes a module with distinction if a final module mark of at least 75% is achieved. The rules for the various qualification levels and types determine the number of examination opportunities that are available to students.