How do I download Google Chrome full setup?

Install Chrome offline

  1. On a computer connected to the Internet, download the alternate Chrome installer.
  2. Move the file to the computer where you want to install Chrome.
  3. Open the file, and follow the onscreen instructions to install.

Where is Chrome setup file?

Locate the Chrome installation folder by clicking the “Start” button and typing “%LocalAppData%\Google” without quotation marks. (“%LocalAppData%” is an environmental variable that opens your user account’s “AppData\Local” folder. “)

What is Chrome standalone setup?

The standard Chrome installation requires your computer to have an Internet connection during installation. However, if you are having issues with the normal installer, or if you want to install Chrome on a computer without a network connection, you can download and use the stand-alone Alternate Offline Installer.

What is an offline installer?

An offline installer allows a program, such as Lumen, to be downloaded to your computer when an internet connection is available, and then later installed when an internet connection is no longer available. In other words, you do not need to be connected to the internet to complete the installation.

Where is Chromedriver located?

Windows CLI #

  1. Get familiar with Windows Environment Variables in Command Prompt.
  2. Create directory C:\bin.
  3. Download it for Windows and save to C:\bin.
  4. Open Command Prompt and set the PATH for your account with setx PATH “C:\bin;%PATH%”
  5. Restart Command Prompt.
  6. Verify setup with chromedriver.exe -v.

How do I download Google installer on my PC?

How to download and install Google Chrome on a PC with Windows 11

  1. Visit
  2. Once there, click on the blue box that says Download Chrome.
  3. Find the .exe file you just downloaded and open it.
  4. Wait for Chrome to download and install.

How do I install Google Chrome on my Windows 10 laptop?

1 Install

  1. Open Microsoft Edge.
  2. Select Download Chrome.
  3. Carefully read the Terms of Service, then select Accept and Install.
  4. Select Run to start the installer immediately after download.
  5. The installer will ask permission to run, select Yes.
  6. Google Chrome will begin installing automatically.

What is the difference between web installer and offline installer?

The core difference is that the Web Installer requires an active Internet connection during installation as it needs to download components from Microsoft servers. The . NET Framework 4.8 offline installer is larger in size but requires no Internet connection as it includes all the components: .