How do I download DSC pay slips?

DSC Pay Slip Download

  1. Visit DSC portal page by using the
  2. Page this URL into Address bar and search it by connected to Internet.
  3. Now Select the Army Login Option from set of Login Options shown on screen.
  4. Once the page is fully loaded, enter your Login ID here which is Army Number.

How do I find my army payslip?

Army personnel need to log on to download the Indian Army Pay Slip. Enter the month, year, and employee code after logging in to download the salary slip. Then select “Get Pay Slip” from the drop-down menu. It will now display all of the information from the payslip on the soldier’s screen.

What is the salary of DSC?

Average annual salary in Dsc is INR 5.8 lakhs.

How can I join DSC?

– Should have minimum 5 years colour service. Minimum 03 years embodied service and 7 ATCs for personnel of Territorial Army. – Should be below 48 years of age for GD and 50 years of age for clk (SD). – Should possess Army Third Class Certificate of Education or equivalent.

What is basic pay of Indian army?

The pay matrix level is 14 for Major General and the minimum payment without allowance is INR 1,44,200. The age of retirement is 58 years. The level in the pay matrix for General is 18 and starting salary without allowance is INR 2,50,000.

What is the salary of Sepoy in Indian Army?

What is the salary of Sepoy at Indian Army? Average Indian Army Sepoy salary in India is ₹ 4.2 Lakhs for 3 to 17 years of experience. Sepoy salary at Indian Army ranges between ₹ 0.5 Lakhs to ₹ 6.5 Lakhs.

Is there pension in DSC?

(g) Defence Service Personnel are entitled for service pension on completion of 15 years of service in DSC apart from the service rendered in Regular Army if he complete 15 or more service and do not opt to count former service of Army in DSC in terms of para 174 (a).

Is DSC paramilitary forces?

The DSC troops are sanctioned and attached to various bases/installations to ensure protection against sabotage and pilferage. It is the sixth largest corps of the Army….

Defence Security Corps
Active 25 February 1947 – Present
Country India
Branch Indian Army
Role Protection and Security of Defence Installations

What is DSC job?

General The role of the Defence Service Corps (DSC) is to provide security cover to Defence installations of the three services and Civil Establishments of the Ministry of Defence where DSC cover is sanctioned under the specific orders of Government of India against sabotage and pilferage.

What is DSC Army?

The organisation functioned directly under the Ministry of Defence till 16 Aug 1958 when it was re-designated as “Defence Security Corps (DSC)” vide AO 483/58 and placed under the Defence Security Corps Directorate, General Staff Branch, Army Headquarters for command and control.

What age do army officers retire?

Army Staff Retirement Age

General Officer 62 years or three years of tenure, whichever is earlier
Major General 58 years
Lieutenant General 60 years
Colonel 54 years
Brigadier 56 years