How do I dispose of old prescriptions near me?

In your community, authorized collection sites may be retail, hospital, or clinic pharmacies; and/or law enforcement facilities. These collection sites may offer on-site medicine drop-off boxes; mail back programs; or other in-home disposal methods to assist you in safely disposing of your unused or expired medicines.

How do I dispose of prescription drugs in Missouri?


  1. Missouri Prescription Pill and Drug Disposal. Missouri P2D2 provides a list and map of 20 medicine collection boxes located in local police stations.
  2. DEA Collection Location Search Tool.
  3. AwareRX.
  4. DisposeMyMeds.
  5. Rx Drug Drop Box.
  6. Walgreens Pharmacy Kiosk Program.

How do I dispose of old tablets and medicine?

The best way to dispose of most types* of unused or expired medicines (both prescription and over the counter) is to drop off the medicine at a drug take back site, location, or program immediately.

What do you do with expired medicine in Missouri?

Prescription Drug Disposal

  • Keep medication in its original container.
  • Remove or blacken out all personal information, but leave the name and dosage of the medication visible.
  • Bring medication to the disposal kiosk.

How do I return medicine to pharmacy?

To get rid of unused medication, either return the medication to the pharmacy you got the medication from, or find a pharmacy near you and take it straight to them.

Where can I dispose of old medications in St Louis?

Prescription Drug Drop-off

  • North County Precinct: 11815 Benham Road, St.
  • Central County Precinct: 1333 Ashby Road, St.
  • South County Precinct: 323 Sappington Barracks Road, St.
  • Wildwood Precinct City Hall: 16860 Main Street, Wildwood, MO 63040.
  • West County Precinct: 232 Vance Road, Valley Park, MO 63088.

Can you return prescription medication to Walgreens?

– Pharmacy Items: By law, Walgreens cannot accept returns on prescription drugs UNLESS they made an error. Call them at 1-877-250-5823 and explain the error.