How do I dial DSN to Ramstein?

The Ramstein Airman & Family Readiness Center is where you can go for information and referral resources. It is located in Bldg. 2120, Room 106 or you can call DSN: 480-5100 or 011-49-6371-47-5100.

How many people are in Afspc?

Units. separated units span the globe. AFSPC is comprised of more than 26,000 professionals assigned to 134 locations worldwide.

What Majcom is Ramstein?

This base/wing is an installation of U.S. Air Forces in Europe (USAFE), a major command of the U.S. Air Force and also the air component of the U.S. European Command, a Department of Defense unified command.

How do I call a DSN in Germany?

To dial a German commercial telephone number from within Europe, but outside of Germany: Dial 0049 and drop the first 0 of the commercial number. To dial a Defense Switched Network number from outside of Europe: Dial 314 plus the seven digit DSN.

How do I call a DSN number?

To call a commercial number from a DSN line, first dial ’99’. To call a DSN number from a commercial or cellular phone, dial 05033 + last 6 digits of DSN the number (NOTE: This will only work when calling Army installations. Example- DSN 723-1234, dial 05033-23-1234).

What does AFSPC stand for?

Space Operations Command
Decorations Air Force Organization Excellence Award
Website (archived)
Commander Lt Gen Stephen N. Whiting

How are squadrons numbered?

Squadrons are usually identified both numerically, and by function. An example would be the 49th Security Forces Squadron or the 501st Maintenance Squadron. Two or more squadrons form a group. In the Air Force, groups are usually based upon the assignment of squadrons with similar functions.

Is Pacaf a MAJCOM?

Pacific Air Forces (PACAF) is a Major Command (MAJCOM) of the United States Air Force and is also the air component command of the United States Indo-Pacific Command (USINDOPACOM).

What is the biggest army base in Germany?

Overall Mission: Ramstein Air Force Base is the headquarters for USAF operations in Europe and Africa. Nato Allied Air Command also operates out of Ramstein AFB, and is considered the largest US military base in Germany.