How do I create an isopach map?
How do I create an isopach map?
To construct an isopach map from borehole logs, one locates the top and bottom of the stratigraphic unit on a given log, subtracts the lesser depth from the greater, and plots the resulting thickness on a map. Repetition for each of the available logs generates the data that are then contoured on the map.
What is the difference between isopach and Isochore?
Isochore maps measure the thickness from a point on the upper surface straight down to the corresponding point on the lower surface. Isopach maps display the stratigraphic thickness between an upper and lower horizon. It is measured as the shortest distance between the two surfaces.
What is an isopach map used for?
An isopach map (/ˈaɪsoʊpæk/) illustrates thickness variations within a tabular unit, layer or stratum. Isopachs are contour lines of equal thickness over an area. Isopach maps are utilized in hydrographic survey, stratigraphy, sedimentology, structural geology, petroleum geology and volcanology.
How do I create an isopach map in Surfer?
Grid Math dialog Click OK in the Surfer dialog alerting you that the grid file has been created. Click the Map | New | Contour Map command. In the Open Grid dialog, select the grid file saved in step 10. Click Open, and the isopach map is created!
What is lithofacies map?
Lithofacies maps show the areal variation in the depositional patterns that make up each genetic sequence within the reservoir interval. The method for constructing lithofacies maps involves extrapolating the lithofacies from the wells into the gaps between the wells.
What is isopach in oil and gas?
1. n. [Geology] A contour that connects points of equal thickness. Commonly, the isopachs, or contours that make up an isopach map, display the stratigraphic thickness of a rock unit as opposed to the true vertical thickness. Isopachs are true stratigraphic thicknesses; i.e., perpendicular to bedding surfaces.
How do you make a Dem in surfer?
– start surfer, from the “map” menu, choose shaded relief, and select the *. dem file in your monmouth folder, surfer will import the DEM and display it as a shaded relief map.