How do I create a spreadsheet for my business expenses?

In short, the steps to create an expense sheet are:

  1. Choose a template or expense-tracking software.
  2. Edit the columns and categories (such as rent or mileage) as needed.
  3. Add itemized expenses with costs.
  4. Add up the total.
  5. Attach or save your corresponding receipts.
  6. Print or email the report.

How do small businesses keep track of expenses for free?


  1. Mint: The free expense tracker for the self-employed.
  2. QuickBooks: Expense management for the accounting-savvy business.
  3. FreshBooks: Expense tracking for the minimalist go-getter.
  4. Expensify: An expense tracking app for the business traveller.
  5. Bench: For hands-off expense tracking and bookkeeping.

How do you organize small business expenses?

10 Tips To Organize Your Small Business Expenses

  1. Open Your Business Bank Account.
  2. Keep Startup Business Cost Aside.
  3. Use a Spreadsheet.
  4. Digitize Your Hard Copies.
  5. Save and Organize Receipts in Different Locations.
  6. Make a Habit To Use Accounting Software.

How do you record expenses without receipts?

If you don’t have original receipts, other acceptable records may include canceled checks, credit or debit card statements, written records you create, calendar notations, and photographs. The first step to take is to go back through your bank statements and find the purchase of the item you’re trying to deduct.

How do I track daily business expenses?

Here’s how you can track your business expenses:

  1. Open a business bank account.
  2. Choose an appropriate accounting system.
  3. Choose cash or accrual accounting.
  4. Connect financial institutions.
  5. Begin managing receipts properly.
  6. Record all expenses promptly.
  7. Consider using an expense app.

How do small business owners make budgets?

How to create a business budget: A 6-step guide

  1. Examine your revenue.
  2. Subtract fixed costs.
  3. Determine variable expenses.
  4. Set aside a contingency fund for unexpected costs.
  5. Create your profit and loss statement.
  6. Outline your forward-looking business budget.